Pic Courtesy: Indian Express

Random Thoughts

  • Well done India – INS Vikrant (Indigenous Aircraft Carrier {IAC-1}, Commissioned.
  • United States –  11,  China – 3,  India, United Kingdom & Italy – 2each,  Russia, France & Spain- 1 each.
  • Important is joining the elite group of nations –  US, Russia, France,  UK, and China – who are capable of designing and constructing aircraft carriers.
  • Are two aircraft carriers adequate?
  • Can we afford a third one?
  • Where would be it on the priority list?
  • Aircraft Carrier or Submarines?


Pic Courtesy: Graphic news

Random Thoughts

  • Rapid growth in China’s Shipbuilding capability.
  • Numerically PLAN has overtaken USN.
  • Soon it will be from 3 to 6, for two fleet operations.
  • It is a matter of time before the Chinese fleet ventures into IOR.
  • Convert ANC from iron curtain to steel curtain.
  • Look into the islands on the western seaboard.


Pic Courtesy: Visual Capitalist

Random Thoughts

  • India has overtaken the UK and is at the number 5 position now.
  • Predictions are that India would reach number 3 position in the future behind China and USA.
  • Ranking apart the disparity between the value of the economy is very large.
  • Another prediction says in future India will have 20% of the world’s working population.
  • It is predicted that it is the decade or the century of India.
  • There would be many ifs and unpredictable events to deal with.


Pic Courtesy: BBC

Random Thoughts

  • In the pictures three things stand out.
    • A corridor in western Ukraine under Russian control.
    • Consolidation of Crimea – land connectivity with control over water and electricity supply lines.
    • Limited access to the sea for Ukraine.
  • Russia seems to have achieved its objectives.
  • Now it is wait and watch to formally end it on its terms.
  • How long will the US-led west keep inciting Ukraine to continue the resistance?
  • Continued fighting is not good for Ukraine, Russia, and Europe in particular and the world in general.
  • Question then arises is WHY?
  • Is the threat to Petro-Dollar or is it the defence industry that is at play ?


Pic Courtesy: BBC

Random Thoughts

  • The disparity between the military strength of the two countries is large.
  • At the same time it is not a walkover for China.
  • What should the Taiwan strategy be?
    • Purely defensive, limited offense, or offensive defence?
  • Read an appropriate word to explain it – Porcupine Strategy.
  • In what form will the USA help Taiwan?


Suggestions and value additions are most welcome


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References and credits

Reserve Bank of India.


Information and data included in the blog are for educational & non-commercial purposes only and have been carefully adapted, excerpted, or edited from sources deemed reliable and accurate. All copyrighted material belongs to respective owners and is provided only for purposes of wider dissemination.


  1. Boils down to the limited resources that we possess at the moment. But from the other data shared, if the base of the economy gets broader by the day then the % of allocations go up. The challenge is have the larger vision and brick by brick build up capability in the present to the future.

  2. Hope India catches up with Chinese Naval capabilities asap.
    Either way their figures are not reliable.
    Their First Aircraft carriers capability is a question mark.

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