150: Basics of Airpower Application

It is always good to remember the basics at all the times.

With the ongoing debate about proposed organisational changes, it will be worthwhile revisiting the basics related to application of airpower.

Effective airpower application requires a unique perspective. This perspective has been formed through a century of air operations experience.

Following quotes, principles, guidelines and tenets are part of  doctrinal publications of the air Forces world over.


Air warfare cannot be separated into little packets; it knows no boundaries on land and sea other than those imposed by the radius of action of the aircraft; it is a unity and demands unity of command.


-Air Marshal Arthur Tedder



The other Services have air arms—magnificent air arms—but their air arms must fit within their Services, each with a fundamentally different focus. So those air arms, when in competition with the primary focus of their Services, will often end up on the short end, where the priorities for resources may lead to shortfalls or decisions that are suboptimum. It is therefore important to understand that the core competencies of [airpower] are optional for the other Services. They can elect to play or not play in that arena. But if the nation is to remain capable and competent in air and space [sic], someone must pay attention across the whole spectrum; that is why there is an Air Force.

-General Ronald R. Fogleman,

15th Chief of Staff, USAF


Air power has become predominant, both as a deterrent to war, and in the eventuality of war as the devastating force to destroy an enemy’s potential and fatally undermine his will to wage war.


-General Omar Bradley


Strategic air assault is wasted if it is dissipated piecemeal in sporadic attacks between which the enemy has an opportunity to readjust defenses or recuperate.

– Henry H. Arnold,  General of the Air Force


Basics of Airpower Application


  • Appropriate and effective application of airpower is the main reason for existence of Air Force. Airpower should not be viewed as an auxiliary or complementary capability subordinate to another Service.  Airpower’s unique attributes necessitate it be centrally controlled by an Airman.


  • Air and space power is intrinsically different from either land or sea power and its employment must be guided by tenets different from those of surface forces. The tenets of Centralized Control, Flexibility/Versatility, Priority, Synergy, Balance, Concentration, and Persistence are guidelines and considerations for commanders to use to exploit the mobility, responsiveness, flexibility, and versatility of air and space power.


  • Airpower requires effective integration of capabilities, people, weapons, bases, logistics, and supporting infrastructure. No single aspect of airpower should be treated in isolation since all elements are essential and interdependent.


  • Centralized control and decentralized execution are fundamental tenets of air power that have evolved over decades of aerial employment and centuries of command and control during war. Air power has unique characteristics that require a different command and control construct than surface-centric combat units.


  • Air and space forces must be centrally controlled, to achieve advantageous synergies, establish effective priorities, capitalize on unique strategic and operation flexibility, ensure unity of purpose, and minimize the potential for competing objectives. Execution of air and space missions should be decentralized to achieve effective spans of control, responsiveness, and tactical flexibility.


  • Operating at elevation above the earth’s surface provides relative advantages and creates a mind-set that sees competition from a broad perspective (Birds eye view). The air domain allows exploitation of airpower’s attributes of speed, range, precision, tempo, lethality, and adaptability to create effects in all domains.


  • Airpower can be applied by bypassing geographical limitations or striking with precision at critical vulnerabilities within adversary centers of gravity (COGs) at long ranges, on short notice, and for sustained periods. Airpower can control the tempo of operations.


  • The versatility of airpower with its lethality, speed, and persistence makes it an attractive option for many combat tasks. Commanders should establish clear priorities for the use of airpower, Due to its inherent flexibility, the demands for airpower may likely exceed available resources.


  • Airpower’s attributes combine to make it one of the most versatile components of military power. Its versatility allows it to be rapidly employed against strategic, operational, and tactical objectives simultaneously.


  • Airpower creates effects at the strategic level of warfare. Airpower, through global reach and global power, can hold an enemy’s strategic COGs and critical vulnerabilities at risk immediately and continuously through kinetic or non-kinetic means.


  • Airpower provides more than lethal effects. Military diplomacy, in form of assistance to friendly countries, building alliances and posturing, provides deterrence and assures stability and security.


Whereas to shift the weight of effort on the ground from one point to another takes time, the flexibility inherent in Air Forces permits them without change of base to be switched from one objective to another.


-Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery

1O Propositions Regarding  
Air Power

 – Colonel Phillip S. Mellinger, USAF,

School of Advanced Airpower Studies


  • Whoever controls the air generally controls the surface.


  • Air Power is an inherently strategic force.


  • Air Power can conduct parallel operations at all levels of war, simultaneously.


  • Air Power is primarily an offensive weapon.


  • Air Power’s unique characteristics necessitate that it be centrally controlled by airmen.


  • Air Power produces physical and psychological shock by dominating the fourth dimension-time.


  • Technology and air power are integrally and synergistically related.


  • Precision air weapons have redefined the meaning of mass.


  • In essence, Air Power is targeting, targeting is intelligence, and intelligence is analyzing the effects of air operations.


  • Air Power includes not only military assets, but an aerospace industry and commercial aviation.


If we lose the war in the air we lose the war and we lose it quickly.


-Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery



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43 Replies to “150: Basics of Airpower Application”

  1. A very timely reminder, but I have this fundamental doubt. As DS in DSSC, I could, with some difficulty, explain that keeping enemy airpower off their backs was a great achievement, but only to the armd corps students; others were always saying, do something for the men in the trenches. They do not wish to think beyond their tough job of holding onto metres/kms of own territory in war and counter-insurgency in peace. It is a tough job.

  2. Great quotes. That air power is unique, devastating and decisive, is an undisputed and accepted fact. Anyone who thinks otherwise can only do so at great peril.

  3. Brilliantly outlined. Easy to understand.
    It is therefore clear that Air Force is not merely *a support arm* but a capable force that can decide the outcome of war.

    1. AF is many Arms

      Punching Arm
      Helping Arm (Disaster Relief)
      Hand shaking Arm (Defence Diplomacy)
      Strategic Arm
      Operational Arm
      Tactical Arm
      and so on………..

      Supporting Arm (As well)

  4. Well collated. Hope that this seen by those who are ignorant about air power and its ability to change the complexion of wars

  5. Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery Quot is rightly used for present scenario, India facing threats from enemy, It can be controlled and can be given befitting reply only through Air Power.
    Your article rightly pointed out many aspects of air Power advantage over any other option.

  6. Very lucid sir.
    Such a commentary was essential to clear the “cobwebs” in a lot of minds.

  7. Great collection which varies across services; there is absolutely no doubts on Air Power’s multidimensional role in all aspects of warfare.

    I just hope that the there is acceptable rationale and justification in the current discussions which shouldn’t be hurried because of self created deadlines. The ability to listen to different viewpoints without getting personal and not allowing it to be personality driven us the need of the moment.

  8. A good read to clear basics, specially for other other services. It’s so timely in the present environment, where unwarranted deadlines are being quoted to push through half baked ideas, which may have long term implications if not attended to.

  9. Intersting. So much written and commented upon without making reference to the one statement that has triggered every other. I suppose , the lack of clarity is due to the fact that, in the subcontinent , air power has not been used much as a strategic force; though a strategic deterrence ,may be .
    US AF is so different, where ground ops follows long after the air ops or at times there are no ground ops at all.

  10. So well brought out Sir.

    I’m actually amazed that there is a confusion amongst senior officers about such basic tenets of air power application.

    I’m sure this article will bring home these basic issues for sure. Thanks a lot for bringing things out so succinctly.

  11. It is difficult to explain this to the army soldiers as brought out earlier but the sad part is in spite of knowing all this the senior leadership is still trying to ignore

  12. Its all about trying to control everything. The next step could be to divide a squadron and allocate 2 aircraft each to every battalion. That would be disaster.

    The basic fact that Air Force can react fast and switch theatres, means that it has to have centralized control. Else, in times of necessity, Air Power may not be available to a theatre where it is required the most. Or its availability may be procedurally delayed to a point, where the war or strategic importance may have been lost

    1. Sir, the delay in Air Support is the concern that has prompted the decision to theaterise commands.

  13. Respected Sir,
    This collection of Quotes and Opinions is commendable from the historic viewpoint! But tell us in the Indian context as how best we should utilise the air assets we have, to get sure Victory, and having to suffer minimum attrition. The successful application of Air Power has advanced many times after the period of the personalities who had made the quotes. All war assets have to be integrated and networked today to get results on the ground. One must never forget that ‘Victory’ is measured by foot! Air Power is vital to facilitate this reality.

  14. Well explained.

    Airpower is vital and not just supporting arm as few feel.

    Situation in Kargil changed the scenario after the airpower was bought in.

  15. A very timely refresher.
    Sir, hope those who have’nt learnt about Air Power in various PMEs atleast learn now.
    Hearty Congratulations on 150th post !!!

  16. Sir,

    Going forward on @Achutan’s comments…

    The quotes and dictums are borrowed heavily from the USAF, a service that has left rotary wing and even some fixed wings for the other three services.

    This gives the USAF the distinct advantage of narrowing its focus to Strategic Objectives and leaves the tactical worries of domination of ground to the Army and Marines.

    For reasons best appreciated by the powers that be, this is not the case in Indian context.

  17. Congratulations on the 150th. Keep it coming…informing n enlightening. Love brevity of your posts.

  18. ANIL, Im really very proud with your performance.. Your article is well written. IF only he had PAUSED a little he would never have uttered those sentences.. All my course mates are cursing me and asking if he was in my squadron.. All the best.. Keep doing well ! Love to the family

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