200: Double Celebration: One year of Blogging and 200th Post

Air Marshal’s Perspective

(Candid and to the point – काम की बात)

Ranked 13th in the list of Top 25 Indian Defence Blogs and Websites




This blog was started in the month of September 2020.  It has been one year since then, with 200 posts.


Enjoyed researching topics related to defence, security, geo-politics, technology, leadership and management etc. The posts were interspersed with some humour and quotes.


Tried to live up to the motto of the blog – “Candid and to the point – काम की बात”. Most of the posts are short ones (two to three pages), covering the essence of the topic in bullet form.


The credit for starting the blog goes to my course mate and friend Col Murali. He provided me the space, encouraged me and held my hand initially.


Credit also goes to another course mate Vicky Sheorey for getting me all the equipment needed for video conference and recordings.


Sincere Thanks to all the subscribers and readers for the encouragement.


To provide a panoramic view of the blog, here are the links to the posts on various topics:-


Suggestions and value additions are most welcome


For regular updates, please register here




196: State and Status of Air Power Assets in Afghanistan

For Selective viewing, please click on the link below:-

1 Introduction.

2. Perspective (1:28 onwards).

3. What all air power assets are in Afghanistan (4:13 onwards).

4. What is the status of air power assets in Afghanistan and their likely future (12:25 onwards).

5. China and Pakistan involvement (30:52 onwards).

6 Concluding thoughts 43:20 onwards).


Bottom Line

State  and status of Afghanistan air force and the air power assets is not good. External help would be required to build them up, operationalise them and operate them  .



what in your view is the future of Afghanistan?


Suggestions and value additions are most welcome


For regular updates, please register here






US withdrawal from Afghanistan resulted in immediate collapse of Afghan government. Taliban just walked over them.

The list of reasons attributed to the debacle is endless (probably more than the number of analysts).  Some of the reasons include:-

  • Taliban never abided by the terms of the agreement.


  • Failure of Afghan military to counter the Taliban advance.


  • Corruption in Afghan government.


  • United States had forced the Afghan government to release imprisoned Taliban fighters.


  • US did not understand the local psyche.


  • US concentrated on equipment and training for Afghan military capability building, ignoring the mind factor.

Continue reading “194: BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE”