153: Theatre Command : Bird’s eye view

My views on the issue of jointness and HDO reforms.

(For selective viewing, please click on the links below)

  1. Upto 03:30 – Introduction.
  2. 03:30 – 09:00 – Perspective on the issue of jointness and theaterisation.
  3. 09:00 – 16:40 – Peculiarities of each service with areas of convergence.
  4. 16:40 – 19:15 – Issue of meagre resources.
  5. 19:15 – 26:30 – Are we blindly following others?
  6. 26:30 – 32:45 – Is the timing right?
  7. 32:45 -39:45 – Are we addressing the issue in an ad hoc way?
  8. 39:45 – 45:55 – Views about AD Command.
  9. 45:55 – 51:25 – Way forward and recommendations.
  10. 51:25 – 59:05 – Issue of discussion in open media.
  11.  59:05 onwards – Concluding thoughts.

Comments and value additions are most welcome

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152: My Tryst with HT-2 Aircraft: The Day God Flew With Me

 My previous story titled “The day I flew my dad’s Car” started with the sentence “It was the year of the lord……..” Well this one is also form the same year of the lord. It seems that 1979 was a very eventful year. It was eventful indeed, as this was the year when I started flying (or rather started learning how to fly), this was the year I earned my Wings and also got commissioned in the Indian Air Force. These events changed my life, making the next forty years most enjoyable ones.



This story is about my tryst with the HT-2 aircraft (I always lovingly called it Dalda Tin aircraft). Well that was the first impression one got on seeing it. But looks can be deceptive and in this case it was true. HT – 2 (Hindustan Trainer – 2) was one lean mean flying machine. This machine had deflated the ego of many an ace pilots by rubbing their nose into the dirt or by giving them a swinging  time (literally). HT-2 was a very simple machine with mechanical controls but a complex one to control. The machine seemed to have a mind of its own and reminded one of bronc riding rodeo. It is said that if one can drive on Indian roads, he or she can drive anywhere in the world. Similar thing can be said about HT-2, if you can fly the HT-2, you can fly any aircraft in the world.

Continue reading “152: My Tryst with HT-2 Aircraft: The Day God Flew With Me”

150: Basics of Airpower Application

It is always good to remember the basics at all the times.

With the ongoing debate about proposed organisational changes, it will be worthwhile revisiting the basics related to application of airpower.

Effective airpower application requires a unique perspective. This perspective has been formed through a century of air operations experience.

Following quotes, principles, guidelines and tenets are part of  doctrinal publications of the air Forces world over.


Air warfare cannot be separated into little packets; it knows no boundaries on land and sea other than those imposed by the radius of action of the aircraft; it is a unity and demands unity of command.


-Air Marshal Arthur Tedder



The other Services have air arms—magnificent air arms—but their air arms must fit within their Services, each with a fundamentally different focus. So those air arms, when in competition with the primary focus of their Services, will often end up on the short end, where the priorities for resources may lead to shortfalls or decisions that are suboptimum. It is therefore important to understand that the core competencies of [airpower] are optional for the other Services. They can elect to play or not play in that arena. But if the nation is to remain capable and competent in air and space [sic], someone must pay attention across the whole spectrum; that is why there is an Air Force.

-General Ronald R. Fogleman,

15th Chief of Staff, USAF


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