34: Body Language for the Virtual World

Early this year a  transition started from face-to-face gatherings to virtual meetings.

In-person meetings bring a level of connection and trust that is difficult to get in virtual meetings.

Nonverbal cues are important for the right impact in the virtual meetings.

1.First impression

Judgment is made about attitude, confidence, professional status, and personal warmth.

Face to face meeting.  Impression is made by your physical energy, the way you carry yourself, gestures, eye contact and the pitch of your voice. First impression is made in about 7 sec.

Virtual meeting. It is gathered mainly from the facial expressions. It is much faster in hundreds of milliseconds. Have a pleasing, interested expression and enter the meet with correct expression.

Continue reading “34: Body Language for the Virtual World”


We are in the Digital age where information is readily available on our electronic devices. The pandemic has further increased our screen time.

The digital connectivity  has been a savior in many ways. It has helped everyone to stay connected with their near and dear ones  providing much needed morale support to each other. Biggest advantage has been online work, transactions and supply chain.

At the same time It is bringing a drastic change in our day to day activities and social behavior. 

Starting a new series on the issues related to digital addiction. This will be covered in several parts as follows:

    • Smart Phone Addiction.
    • Social Media Addiction.
    • Internet Addiction.
    • Selfie Addiction.
    • Computer Games Addiction.
    • Online Shopping Addiction.


Click here for Part 1 Understanding Digital Addiction.

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