84: Defence Forces Joint Structures: Priority List

With cooling down of situation with both our western and northern neighbors, the debate about formation of Joint commands (AD, Logistics and Theatres) is again heating up.

My take

  • Should not make changes in a haste. 


  • Should not impose the time pressure of completion within specified time.


  • Prevailing conditions and circumstances should be considered.


  • Any change should be gradual – so that medium can absorb the changes and stay stable.


Recommended Priority List  –


1. Enhance capability of Andaman and Nicobar Command.


2. Create similar joint structure on western sea board.


3. Create joint Cyber command.


4. Create joint Space command.


5. Create joint Special Forces Command.


6. Integrate functions like:

a.  Communications and network centricity.

b. Logistics.

c. Training.

d. Maintenance & Repair.


7. Consider a joint structure for Surface to Surface Missile Force.


8. Consider a joint structure to look into aspects related to:

a. Harnessing of new technology.

b. Electronic warfare.

c. ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance)

d. Communications & Networks.


9. Last comes theatre command depending upon availability of resources and favourable situation.


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Year 2020 has been very eventful for the entire world. It started with the pandemic spreading and creating a turmoil worldwide. While the world was struggling to deal with the calamity and the associated economic repercussions, China created a global situation with its aggressive behaviour following its policy of expansionism and opportunism. This is resulting in emergence of new world order, new alliances, and changes in economic and diplomatic dealings.

Closer at home the country is dealing with multiple fronts. Besides the spread of pandemic and economic woes it has to deal with aggressive behaviour of two hostile neighbours. Situation at the borders is tense and could go in any direction.

In this prevailing scenario changes are taking place in the organisational structure of defence forces. The year started with formation of the post of CDS and Department of Military Affairs. A time bound plan has been enunciated for formation of theatre commands with the aim to increase jointness amongst the three services. It was announced that formation of AD command would be the first step towards this direction. Some reports have also appeared in the media stating that it is likely to be declared on the AF day on 08 Oct.


8: Strategic Insights – Interview with Nitin Gokhale

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