Aerial warfare started with pilots shooting hand held weapons at each other from their aircraft. The aircraft mounted guns replaced these hand held weapons. The aircraft guns improved over the years in terms of the caliber of weapons, rate of fire, ammunition carrying capacity and most important the lethal range. Improvements also took place with respect to the arc of fire, cone of fire and the aiming systems. The aerial combat and the tactics kept changing depending upon the capability of these weapon systems.

Gradually longer range air to air missiles became the weapon of choice for airborne platforms. These missiles advanced from close combat ones to all aspect beyond visual range weapons. The nature of warfare and the tactics underwent a drastic change with these weapons.

The airborne platforms including fighters and combat support heavy aircraft have become vulnerable to modern weapons fired from far ranges. With introduction of hypersonic weapons the reaction time will reduce further increasing their vulnerability.



Aviation business military or civil, demands a very high degree of safety. A Proactive approach is required to ensure safety. Some suggestions are as follows:

    • Give wide publicity to safety aspects.
    • Increase awareness regarding safe practices.
    • Organise talks, discussions and brainstorming sessions.
    • Include safety aspects in the training and continuity syllabus, curriculum and testing procedure.
    • Include safety aspects in all briefings and debriefing.
    • Undertake periodic safety pledge to follow rules in letter and spirit.
    • Conduct Regular Aerospace safety audits.
    • Utilise modern training aids and simulators.
    • Employ effective Anti-Bird measures.
    • Employ effective FOD measures.
    • Instill sense of ownership among all operators.
    • Conduct regular hangar safety audits.
    • Take extra care of legacy aircraft and equipment.
    • Insist on safety during maintenance activities and ground handling.
    • Conduct all agencies emergency drills regularly.
    • Ensure all documents are up to date.
    • Identify weak crew and take corrective action.
    • Identify weak areas and take corrective action.
    • Ensuring Safe flying and operating Environment.
    • Deal with safety violations in a strict manner.
    • Adopt proactive approach towards planning, monitoring and supervision of activities and events.

Value additions are most welcome

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24: Book Review : China-The rising aerospace power: Implications for India

While the USA would like to have a unipolar world, and bi-polar Asia, China wants to have a Bi-polar world and Uni-polar Asia. India would soon be the third most powerful world power and would prefer a multipolar world.

Overall it is a very comprehensive research work covering all aspects related to a very relevant subject.

Review by: Air Marshal Anil Khosla (Retd)

Continue reading “24: Book Review : China-The rising aerospace power: Implications for India”

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