Gandhiji was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar city of Gujarat.


He is revered the world over as one of history’s most transformative and inspirational figures known for his paragon of ethical living and pacifism.


He was a fearless campaigner for the rights and dignity of all people, whose constant and unwavering promotion of non-violence as a tool to win over hearts and minds has forever left its mark on the world.


His life achievement stands unique in political history. He invented a completely new and humane means for the liberation war. He is admired for his calm, courage and compassion.


In India he is referred to as Bapu (father of the nation). Origin of this title is traced back to a radio address (on Singapore radio) on 6 July 1944 by Subhash Chandra Bose where Bose addressed Gandhiji as “The Father of the Nation”.


He was also given the title of Mahatma, (taken from the Sanskrit words maha – meaning great and atma – meaning Soul. Rabindranath Tagore is said to have accorded this title to him.


Gandhianism or Gandhism


The name of Mahatma Gandhi transcends the bounds of race, religion and nation-states, and has emerged as the prophetic voice of the 21st century. He is remembered for his passionate adherence to the practice of non-violence and his supreme humanism. 


Gandhism is a body of ideas that describes the inspiration, vision, and the life work of Gandhi. The Gandhian Values include truth, non-violence, renunciation, humility, equanimity, etc.


Major Tenets of Gandhism are as follows:-

  • Gandhism starts with the famous line – ‘Simple living and high thinking’.


  • Truthfulness is the core value of Gandhian philosophy.


  • Key component of Gandhism is non-violence.


  • Gandhian secular ideology is in the Indian constitution and is also a core value system in Indian society.


  • Socialism is another basic philosophical entity of Gandhism, which aspires for a classless society with no poverty, no hunger, no unemployment and education and health for all. 


  • Gandhiji also gave great emphasis upon cleanliness or Swacchta.


Gandhiji described these as the Seven Social Sins:-


  • Politics Without Principles.


  • Wealth Without Work.


  • Commerce Without Morality.


  • Education Without Character.


  • Pleasure Without Conscience.


  • Science Without Humanity.


  • Worship Without Sacrifice.


Relevance Today


Gandhism still remains one of the most intriguing and most misunderstood philosophy. Gandhian principles are valid and eternal as they help to reshape the lost morality and regain humanity.


The prevalent violence, rapid climate change and a damaged social fabric in the current times makes Gandhism it even more relevant today.


Gandhian virtues of self-control is much needed in a materialistic world driven by the desire to achieve and acquire more.


My Favourite ones from his many Quotes


An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.


Where there is love there is life.


Hate the sin, love the sinner.


The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.


Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.


In a gentle way, you can shake the world.


Action expresses priorities.


If you don’t ask, you don’t get it


Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.


The future depends on what we do in the present.


A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes.


Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.


Bottom Line

Gandhian Principles are very valid and need to be followed in letter and spirit.



Aren’t we just giving lip service to Gandhism, remembering him and his thoughts only on his birthday every year?


Suggestions and value additions are most welcome


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29 Replies to “202: TRIBUTE TO GANDHI”

  1. Truly an Icon not just for us in the subcontinent but as an inspiration for the entire world. Such a gentle person with an iron will , a teflon surface and an unyielding firmness.

    1. Gandhiji was an icon . Nice article written by u sir. He taught us the way of cleanliness and Ahinsa but Gandhiji title being spoiled by Congress.

      Your articles are really recognised.

  2. Some are increasingly questioning his contributions as well as his title of bapu. While all views need to be welcomed, is there a need to compare one freedom fighter with another? Each can be judged by his/her own merits and given due recognition.
    I feel that our history is being held hostage by a few and needs a rewrite with due importance given to all contributors.
    Further, we need to learn and accept all aspects of our history without favouring religion or philosophy. Let the future generations decide whether our decisions today were right.

    1. Good observation Kau. My bit….History writing should be left to historians. History is so much more than opinion. In my view, it is this phenomenon of Post Truth which is at the fore front of the clamour for rewriting history. One must separate politics from history writing. How many times will history be rewritten? It is a slippery slope. Gandhi lead a transparent life. His many flaws have also been documented by a legion of biographers and indeed in ‘My Experiments With Truth’. Some facets of his persona are uncomfortable. But, that is Gandhi.

    A well written and concise write up on Gandhi ji. My take on the question on giving lip service to Gandhism is YES.
    Some of us superficially, believe in the Gandhi ji’s philosophy for very shallow and ulterior motives. For them, lip service is more than enough.
    For others, the present environment is plagued with intolerance and unacceptabilility of other’s point of view. Straight jacketing by the thought of ‘One Nation One Rule’, is preached, may be forced upon at a later date. This calls for going slightly deep into the philosophical tenets are Gandhian thought. To my mind aspects of Dialogue and Plurality, which Gandhi ji not only preached but practised too, show us the way forward. Going through the existing literature on interactions between Gandhi ji and national leaders of the stature of Nehru ji, Sardar Patel, Ambedkar ji, Neta ji and others, makes it amply clear that they interacted at a very high level of purpose, knowledge and maturity. They had space for disagreement and acceptability. Their own thoughts and personalities were influenced by this healthy and open interaction with eachother. Thus the gap between their own intents, thoughts and actions was minimised by this healthy sense of open and constructive dialogue. In fact various dichotomies which are pointed out by opponents of Gandhian thoughts, are the parts of this maturing process of the journey of life and the philosophy of Gandhi ji. It’s worth mentioning that his book, ‘My Experiments with Truth’, is all about this maturing process of Gandhism. These are often quoted out of context and in parts.
    Second tenet, which requires more than lip service is understanding of Plurality of our society. We preach Unity in diversity but seldom accept it.
    This is not to be misunderstood with appeasement but actually it is SARVODAYA (upliftment of all, without distinction in class, creed and religion), one of the basic tenets of Gandhian thought. Word appeasement in the political discourse is of recent origin and was never used by the National leadership of those days.
    One more aspect which reaffirms the view that we are providing only lip service to Gandhian idea of life, pertains to sanitation and cleanliness of our surroundings. It is sad that we are more unhygienic as a nation, than before, waste management is just inadequate and Ganga is dirtier in spite of a separate ministry in GOI. So photo ops with Jhadu on Gandhi Jayanti must give way to rapid pace of implementation of existing plans.
    So, the Gandhian thought or philosophy is not only more relevant today, but also it’s tenets have to be discussed and adopted as guiding principles by every Indian. This can be achieved by inculcating the habit of reading the available literature and curbing the tendency to quote out of context based on WhatsApp knowledge.

    Col Rajesh chand (Retd)

  4. A brief and concise write up which will be an useful ready-reckoner for the future generations.. Wonder why a few arrive at different opinions based on hear-say.

  5. A nice write- up that is brief and concise. It will prove to be a ready reckoner to the future generations esp to the ones who don’t like reading long articles.

  6. The thoughts are very relevant even today and sadly misused by the politicians. If we can follow even some of the principals, we will be a much better nation and world

  7. Secular India was one of the goals of our Babu. Of late there has been some deliberate efforts to defeat the achievement of this goal. This has resulted in simmers in the peaceful coexistence. Thus real tribute to Gandhi ji’s legacy would be to shun such divisive forces and work towards communal harmony. Bharat Jodo Yatra, is one step towards that.
    Let’s visit Gandhi ji ‘s thoughts, every time we are in a dilemma of Wrong VS Right.

  8. Superb: brief but comprehensive.
    Need more such write ups so that we give a correct perspective to our present and future generations.Many of Gandhiji’s teachings are relevant today and are becoming more and more relevant as the world is unfolding.Netaji hailed him as ‘ the father of the nation’,Tagore hailed him as Mahatma,Sardar Patel lived up to the promise made to Gandhiji even under the most trying circumstances.That was respect and admiration, so who are WE to try and belittle his role today? By ridiculing and hating Gandhiji today, we are only casting aspersions on the judgement and understanding of these eminent personalities.So today,let’s just try and experiment with the ‘truths’ of his teachings!!!

  9. His teachings are even much more relevant today,,…..the advocate of ahimsa,….. with war in Europe, and violence in other parts of the world.

  10. An excellent tribute to Mahatma whom we know as father of nation as well. His principles are still relevant today and his lifestyle worth emulating for peace & happiness. Famous scientist Albert Einstein had once said, “Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.” He was so right that it is really difficult to find true Gandhian who follows him in letter & spirit. Great tribute to an extraordinary human being. Thanks for sharing.

  11. The day one understands that Ahimsa is strength and violence is weakness the transformation to enter a happy world begins. Ahimsa not only in deed but in words, – – – in thought. Unfortunately quite a few of us in the armed forces do not suscribe to the Gandhian philosophy of Ahimsa.
    Someone rightly said that one needs power only when something wrong is needed to be done for the rest LOVE is sufficient.

  12. Superb: brief but comprehensive.
    Need more such write ups to give a correct perspective to our present and future generations.
    Many of Gandhiji’s teachings are relevant today and are becoming more and more relevant as the world is unfolding. Netaji hailed him as the ‘father of the nation’,Tagore hailed him as Mahatma,Sardar Patel lived up to the promise he made to Gandhiji even under the most trying circumstances.That was respect and faith. Then who are WE today to belittle Gandhiji? Ridiculing him today in totality with our hatred and our half baked knowledge means we are also casting aspersions on the understanding and judgement of these eminent personalities. So let’s just try and experiment with the ‘ truths’ of his teachings.

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