Body Language for the Virtual World

Early this year a  transition started from face-to-face gatherings to virtual meetings.

In-person meetings bring a level of connection and trust that is difficult to get in virtual meetings.

Nonverbal cues are important for the right impact in the virtual meetings.

1.First impression

Judgment is made about attitude, confidence, professional status, and personal warmth.

Face to face meeting.  Impression is made by your physical energy, the way you carry yourself, gestures, eye contact and the pitch of your voice. First impression is made in about 7 sec.

Virtual meeting. It is gathered mainly from the facial expressions. It is much faster in hundreds of milliseconds. Have a pleasing, interested expression and enter the meet with correct expression.


2. Connecting with someone quickly

Face to face meeting.  In person achieved by shaking hands.

Virtual meeting.  Achieved by a smile.


3. Helping the audience understand your message

Face to face meeting.  Achieved by use of variety of gestures.

Virtual meeting. Gestures need to remain close to the body within the frame of camera. Smaller and  slower gestures are better


 4. Adding impact to a formal presentation

Face to face meeting.  Attention is drawn by moving and then staying still to drive home the point.

Virtual meeting.  It can be achieved by speaking and then giving a pause.


 5.  Displaying confidence

Face to face meeting.   Achieved by adopting a broad stance, feet planted firmly on the floor, hips-width apart, with your weight evenly distributed. 

Virtual meeting.  Achieved by the seating posture – sit facing the screen with shoulders squared, head straight, and feet flat on the ground. Sitting in this way sends a powerful message. 

Reference: https:

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