Pic Courtesy: Internet

Burning public property and violence will not solve any problem.


Agni veer on Agni path: Questions galore


  • Is the Agni path scheme good for armed forces?
  • Is the scheme good for defence aspirants?
  • What are its advantages?
  • What are the drawbacks?
  • Do the accrued benefits outweigh the  disadvantages  ?
  • What will be the effect on defence preparedness?
  • What will be their utility during the limited period?
  • What after four years?
  • Are we borrowing ideas from abroad and blindly implementing them?
  • In trying to solve one problem are we creating many more?
  • Is the cure deadlier than the disease?
  • Is it being implemented haphazardly?


Flaming Thoughts

Continue reading “269: FIERY THOUGHTS”

264: SHIQURDU 31




पूछा मैंने खुदा से,

अंदर मेरे ये कैसा शोर है,

हंस कर खुदा बोला,

खुला आसमान, चांद, तारे चाहत है तेरी,

पर बन्द दीवारों को सजाने पर तेरा जोर है,




एक सुकून की तलाश में जाने कितनी

बेचैनियाँ पाल ली,

और लोग कहते हैं की हम बड़े हो गए

हमने जिंदगी संभाल ली।




इसी का नाम जिन्दगी है

कुछ दबी हुई ख्वाहिशे, कुछ मंद मुस्कुराहटें

कुछ खोए हुए सपने, कुछ अनसुनी आहटें




मैं न कोई मसीहा, न कोई रहनुमा हूँ,

मैं अपनी ही आवाज़ हूँ.. मैं अपनी ही सदा हूँ

मैं अपना ही गुनाह हूँ.. मैं अपनी ही सज़ा हूँ




बोल उठती है तस्वीर भी,

मन से इबादत कर देखिये

होगा  तुमको भी किस्मत पे अपनी नाज़

सिर झुका कर देखिये


  • Shiqurdu is a collection of thoughts. Although an odd-sounding name felt appropriate for the collection.


  • These are simplified quotes in Hurdu (Hurdu being a mix of Hindi and Urdu akin to Hinglish i.e., Hindi and English). Although in some cases the language has been simplified attempt has been made to retain the thought and the poetic flavor.


  • These thoughts have been picked up from various publications. Credit goes to all the original writers who penned down these deep-meaning messages.


Comments  and value additions are most welcome


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256: SHIQURDU 30



किसी के चेहरे से उसके अंदर देखना


किनारे पे बैठकर समंदर देखना




कद बढ़ा नहीं होता , ऐड़ियां उठाने से

ऊंचाईया मिलती हैं, सर झुकाने से





उस चाहत का मिल जाना

जिसके बाद कोई चाहत न हो




ऐ  खुदा ऐसी नियत दे  दे

किसी को प्यासा जो देखू तो

दरिया हो जाऊं




आसान  जिन्दगी,  जिन्दगी नही होती

बिना थके जो मिल जाये,

वो मंजिल, मंजिल नही होती


  • Shiqurdu is a collection of thoughts. Although an odd sounding name, but felt appropriate for the collection.


  • These are simplified quotes in Hurdu (Hurdu being a mix of Hindi and Urdu akin to Hinglish i.e., hindi and english). Although in some cases the language has been simplified but attempt has been made to retain the thought and the poetic flavor.


  • These thoughts have been picked up from various publications. Credit goes to all the original writers who penned down these deep meaning messages.



Comments  and value additions are most welcome


For regular updates, please register here





English हिंदी