Aviation business military or civil, demands a very high degree of safety. A Proactive approach is required to ensure safety. Some suggestions are as follows:

    • Give wide publicity to safety aspects.
    • Increase awareness regarding safe practices.
    • Organise talks, discussions and brainstorming sessions.
    • Include safety aspects in the training and continuity syllabus, curriculum and testing procedure.
    • Include safety aspects in all briefings and debriefing.
    • Undertake periodic safety pledge to follow rules in letter and spirit.
    • Conduct Regular Aerospace safety audits.
    • Utilise modern training aids and simulators.
    • Employ effective Anti-Bird measures.
    • Employ effective FOD measures.
    • Instill sense of ownership among all operators.
    • Conduct regular hangar safety audits.
    • Take extra care of legacy aircraft and equipment.
    • Insist on safety during maintenance activities and ground handling.
    • Conduct all agencies emergency drills regularly.
    • Ensure all documents are up to date.
    • Identify weak crew and take corrective action.
    • Identify weak areas and take corrective action.
    • Ensuring Safe flying and operating Environment.
    • Deal with safety violations in a strict manner.
    • Adopt proactive approach towards planning, monitoring and supervision of activities and events.

Value additions are most welcome

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Leadership Lessons From A Fighter Pilot

Friday, 16-10-2020, 05:00 pm IST (Duration 1 hour)

SPEAKER: Air Marshal Anil Khosla (Retd), PVSM, AVSM, VM

Former Vice Chief of Indian Air Force


The event went off very well.

Covered talk under three parts as follows:

Fighter Pilot Traits

“Fighter pilot is an attitude. It is cockiness. It is aggressiveness. It is self-confidence. It is a streak of rebelliousness, and it is competitiveness. But there’s something else – there’s a spark. There’s a desire to be good. To do well; in the eyes of your peers, and in your own mind.”

Robin Olds, Fighter Pilot

    • It is not all glamour.
    • It involves lot of hard work – to become one and to continue performing as one.
    • It involves lot of Studies.
    • It is not as risky as it seems – safer than Indian roads.
    • It requires high level of physical and mental fitness.
    • Self discipline is an essential trait.
    • Qualities required are:-
      • Physical and moral courage.- 
      • Integrity & Loyalty
      • Reliability & Dependability
      • Passion
      • Dedication


Leadership Aspects


Everyone who has someone looking up to him or her is a leader. Some practical leadership aspects highlighted were as follows:

    • Lead by example, Follow adage : “Do as I Do rather than Do as I say”.
    • Leader has to be honest, fair and transparent in his/her dealings.
    • Change in style of leadership required in this information age. From TELL type to SELL type.
    • As a leader delegation of tasks to subordinates is important. Task is delegated not the responsibility. Post delegation give space to work, rather than constantly overlooking their shoulders. Upward delegation should be avoided.
    • Inculcate feeling of ownership amongst colleagues and subordinates for better involvement.
    • Open communication lines are essential. They should not be linear and long.


Good Working Environment and Culture


Following aspects were stressed:

    • Team work and team building is important.
    • Encourage initiative and involvement and habit of going beyond routine.
    • Adopt proactive approach for planning and execution.
    • Efficient feed back and monitoring system is a must.
    • Encourage research, brainstorming, out of box thinking and innovative approach.
    • Encourage healthy discussions. Difference of opinion should not be construed as dissent.
    • Training, grooming and mentoring are  important for the organization.
    • Promote safety culture.


Interactive Session


Interactive session was quite long  (extending almost to one hour). Questions and discussions were about following:

    • How to balance between delegation and ownership.
    • China situation and solutions.
    • Balakot strike experience.
    • Decision making process.
    • Quality of manpower and shortages.
    • Compulsory military service.
    • Procurement procedure and corruption.
    • Sharing of experiences related to 
      • Scary experiences.
      • Difficult decisions.
      • Most exhilarating events.
    • Women in Defense services (Air Force)

Video Recording  Due to technical glitch entire session could not be recorded. Some portion of the Q& A session has been recorded. Please check out at:

Q&A Video

Shark in the tank theory of management was covered.

(will write about it in future under management series). 

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Any organization will do well if it has a healthy working environment. Responsibility of creating a good and productive environment rests with the senior leadership. Senior leadership not only has to insist and encourage but also lead by example to achieve this.

During four decades of working in the Air Force, few aspects related to good working environment appealed to me. I made these as my guiding principles. Some of these are as follows:-

  • Leadership: Everyone who has a subordinate working under him or her is a leader. All the leaders should follow what they advocate. Motto should be “DO AS I DO” rather than “DO AS I SAY”. Also there should be Fairness, Honesty and Transparency in all their dealings.
  • Sell or Tell Type of Leadership: Younger generations have ready access to information and are very aware. The leadership style has to change with times. Giving a task and explaining the rationale behind it generates better acceptability and involvement. Need is for more of SELL type approach rather than TELL type of leadership.


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