229: Def Talks: Collective Security and India



It was great interacting with Aadi Achint on Def Talks on a very current and valid topic.


For selective viewing please click on the links below:

  1. Introduction (Up to 2:00).
  2. Multilateralism (2:00 – 06:50).
  3. Collective Security (6:50 – 09:10).
  4. Military Cooperation / Assistance (09:10 – 12:27).
  5. Military Alliance (12:27 – 15:45).
  6. Defence Diplomacy (15:45 – 18:30).
  7. Trends (18:30 – 23:50).
  8. Flexible Collective Security (23:50 – 26:15).
  9. Indian Context (26:15 – 33:15).
  10. Recommendations (33:15 – 43:55).
  11. Concluding Chat (43:55 onwards).


Bottom Line

 Multilateralism and  Flexible Collective Security is very much relevant (Not only during war but also during Peace) in today’s environment of Grey Zone Activities.




Should India Join a military alliance if the need arises?


Suggestions and value additions are most welcome



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227: Urgent Need for National Security Strategy / Policy Document




NSS Policy Document


  • NSS document outlines country’s major security concerns and guideline plans to deal with them.


  • It is Vision of the path nation should take in pursuit of attaining national objectives.


  • It outlines countries power to overcome internal and external challenges and projection of comprehensive national power.


  • It is a plan to employ tools of national power in accordance with national policy to achieve national security objectives I support of national interests.


  • It guides Military and Foreign Policy.


  • From NSS flows the national military strategy.


  • Joint, air, land and maritime strategies are derived from the military strategy.


Advantages of Clearly Defined NSS Policy Document.


  • It provides clear direction preventing ad hocism and knee jerk reactions.


  • It helps in a synchronised approach by various agencies and ministries. Whole of government approach becomes easier.


  • It encourages proactive approach.


  • It provides consistency and immunity from regime change.


  • It helps in formulation of appropriate response policy by better coordination and analysis of complex inter-relationship between domestic and external dimensions.


  • It helps in dealing with internal security challenges arising out of economic, political and social issues. Helps in timely political intervention and implementation of social welfare programmes, rather than using hard power alone.




India Does not have a Comprehensive National Security Strategy Document.


NSC was formed in 1999. Still after 22 years the NSS document has not been promulgated.


Previous Attempts


Last two decades the issue has surfaced many times in the media.


  • In 1999 it found a mention in the Kargil Review Committee report.


  • It was reported that in 2007, HQ IDS submitted a draft NSS document to NSA and PMO.


  • It found a mention again in 2012, in the Naresh Chandra Task Force report on security.


  • It was reported in 2015 that NSAB document “Building Comprehensive National Power towards Integrated NSS” has been prepared.


  • In 2018 it was reported again that NSAB has drafted a NSS document and it has been reviewed by the Defence Planning Committee and forwarded to defence and foreign secretory.


  • In 2019 Congress party asked Retired Gen DS Hooda to prepare a draft NSS document.


Possible Reasons for Non promulgation of NSS.


  • No Political consensus on national security issues and ways to deal with them.


  • No common understanding and agreement about its contents


  • Fear of failure and criticism.


  • Political games and election gimmicks.


Indian National Security Objectives


For formulation of NSS document the starting point would be listing out the National Security Objectives. These have been suggested by many think tanks, analysts and writers. The national security objectives could include the following:


  • Strengthening of capabilities to maintain credible deterrence.


  • Protect and safe guard India’s
  • National Sovereignty.
  • National Constitution and Core Values.
  • National Territorial Integrity.
  • Air, space, cyber and maritime domains.


  • Maintain peaceful Internal Security environment by guarding against threats to national unity and development.


  • Human security by protecting citizens and providing them a safe, just, equitable and prosperous climate.


  • Achieving Safe neighbourhood and constructive engagement with other nations.


  • Maintaining rightful place in the international global affairs.





There is an urgent need to formulate and promulgate NSS document. Suggestions are as follows:


  • It should be a comprehensive document covering all the security concerns.


  • It should contain broad guidelines about ways to deal with them.


  • It could be very specific about certain issues while being open ended about others.


  • It could have two components – classified and unclassified.


  • It should have a short, medium and long term road map.


  • It should cover external and internal challenges.


  • It should touch regional and global issues of concern.


  • It should provide guidelines for multi-agency response.


  • It should serve as a national guiding document and not become a political tool.


Suggested Contents


Some of the suggested contents are as follows:


  • National security objectives.


  • Geopolitical and security environment (regional and global).


  • Security concerns related to all the tools of statecraft (DIME).


  • Could include following:
    • External security.
    • Internal security (NE, J&K, Naxalism and Terrorism)
    • Economic security
    • Energy security
    • Food security
    • Health security
    • CBRN concerns
    • Cyber security
    • Space security
    • Information security and media concerns
    • Water concerns
    • Environmental concerns
    • Disaster management.


  • Military capabilities
    • Deterrence value
    • Multi domain capabilities to deal with future wars.
    • Expeditionary capabilities.


  • Technology harnessing for civil and military purposes.


  • Structural reforms of national security apparatus.


  • Border management and demographic issues.


  • Issues related to natural resources and minerals.


  • Defence industry and Atmanirbharta.


The list is not comprehensive. Many more issues could be added or some of these could be left out for time being. A beginning could be made with a draft document and let it evolve over a period of time.



USA in a period of 30 years (1987 – 2017) published 17 NSS documents. The document has been reviewed by every president and multiple times by some of them. The US document size varies from 40 to 70 Pages.


Coming Up

Pakistan’s Proposed National security policy Document.


Bottom Line

 There is an urgent need for Formulation and publication of National Security Strategy / Policy document.



In India can we overcome political fears and publish the document?


Suggestions and value additions are most welcome

Commodore Sujeet Samaddar (Retd) wrote about this topic in his book in 2003.


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  1. https://thewire.in/security/india-must-chart-out-a-national-security-strategy-for-a-changing-geopolitical-world
  2. https://www.cprindia.org/news/need-comprehensive-national-security-strategy 
  1. https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/a-blueprint-for-a-national-security-strategy/article27211062.ece
  2. https://idsa.in/idsacomments/ANationalSecurityStrategyDocumentforIndia_arvindgupta_201011
  4. https://www.news18.com/news/opinion/india-needs-national-security-strategy-to-set-redlines-like-ladakh-intrusion-force-govt-to-build-capability-2783219.html

222: Hypersonic Long Range Weapons

Pic Courtesy: France 24

Emerging class of missile technologies include manoeuvrable vehicles that carry warheads through the atmosphere at more than five times the speed of sound. Hypersonic glide vehicles (HGVs), like all weapons delivered by medium and longer range rocket boosters, can travel at speeds of at least Mach 5, or about 1 mile per second. The key difference between missiles armed with HGVs and missiles armed with ballistic re-entry vehicles (i.e., those that travel on a ballistic trajectory throughout their flight) is not their speed, but their ability to manoeuvre and change course after they are released from their rocket boosters. Hypersonic weapons can be classified into two distinct categories:

  • Hypersonic cruise missiles. These operate much like typical sub-sonic and supersonic cruise missiles (using air-breathing engines to power themselves through the atmosphere) but fly at higher speeds. They cannot match the speeds or ranges achievable by boost-glide vehicles.

Pic Courtesy: PTs IAS Academy

  • Hypersonic boost-glide Vehicles. They are accelerated to extremely high velocities on rocket boosters similar to those used to launch ballistic missiles. They then proceed to glide, unpowered, through the upper atmosphere until reaching their target.


Pic Courtesy: Union of Concerned scientists

The flight of hypersonic boost-glide vehicle is divided into six stages: boost, ballistic, re-entry, pull-up, glide, and terminal phases. In the boost phase, a rocket booster accelerates the missile carrying the hypersonic vehicle until the booster exhausts its fuel, at which point it detaches from the glide vehicle and falls back to Earth. In the ballistic phase, the vehicle travels above the atmosphere on a ballistic trajectory under only the influence of gravity. Both of these phases are comparable to a ballistic missile launch. Hypersonic trajectories diverge from those of ballistic missiles in the re-entry and pull-up phases. Here, the vehicle pierces the upper atmosphere, then slows its descent to enter a stable glide trajectory. In the glide phase, the vehicle generates aerodynamic lift to sustain near-level flight. Finally, in the terminal phase, the glider dives toward its target.


These weapons outperform existing missiles in terms of delivery time and evasion of early warning systems. Their flight characteristics are distinct from those of typical ballistic missiles, which spend most of flight above the atmosphere and are capable of only limited manoeuvrability, and from those of subsonic or supersonic cruise missiles, which travel through the atmosphere but fly more slowly.


Continue reading “222: Hypersonic Long Range Weapons”

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