68: Book Review: 1962 Border Wars

Book review published by

The Book Review Literary Trust


BOOK NAME: 1962 Border Wars – Sino-Indian territorial disputes and beyond

AUTHOR NAME: Ismail Vengasseri


Abridged Review:

Fifty years ago, on October 20, 1962, China attacked India, apparently provoked by a territorial dispute and tensions over Tibet. The war was brief, however, it affected the psyche of both countries and still casts a long shadow over Sino-Indian relations. The historical imprint of the war still affects the attitude and decision-making process of the two countries. Like all wars, the 1962 war between China and India had multiple causes. These factors need to be examined dispassionately to learn lessons for the future. China has always been an enigma and is considered to be a mysterious riddle to be solved. Her aggressive and belligerent approach and attitude towards the world at large and India in particular during the time of the pandemic has left everyone wondering about her psyche. Scholars have attributed several reasons to it which include opportunism, power intoxication, diversion of attention and desperation seeing the dream of rejuvenation slipping away.

The relationship between the two countries was cordial till about 1950 in spite of existing disputed boundaries. Numerous factors led to the souring of relations between the two Asian giants finally leading to the armed conflict in 1962. The recent India-China stand-off has generated a renewed interest and debate about Sino-India relations. 1962 Border War: Sino-Indian Territorial Disputes and Beyond by Ismail Vengasseri is timely and useful in correlating the present situation with the past as it reveals the historical factors which shaped Sino-Indian relations and reasons for frequent skirmishes along the border. It helps in understanding how such a brief and limited conflict has had such immense and long-lasting political and other consequences. India still sees China as a nationalist, aggressive power which seeks to dominate Asia and one that might once again strike unexpectedly, just as it did in 1962.

The book brings out the historical timelines of relations between the two nations and the factors responsible for the souring of relations leading up to the war. The book is divided into nine chapters critically analysing each factor.

The work is interdisciplinary in nature and has good references for further research. The author has carried out an analytical study dealing with the subject comprehensively, bringing out the complexities in a lucid manner. In the end, he has summarized it very well listing out the conclusions and making valuable recommendations.

In the initial part, the book has analysed all the available literature and records in detail and explains the topography of the area. Primary sources of the study include the Henderson Brooks-Bhagat Report, the official history of conflict with China brought out by the Government of India, CIA report on the Sino-India border dispute, the documents of the Ministry of External Affairs on treaties and agreements, and digital documents included in the historical archives of USA.

Full review.  Available at  The book review Literary Trust publication Volume XLV Number 3 March 2021.

Reference: https://www.thebookreviewindia.org/historical-timelines-of-sino-indian-relations/


Categorization of fighter jets in generations is a classification system used around the world. I have always maintained that this is a broad concept with hazy demarcation lines. Although dependent upon the advancement of technology it does not define specific features or capabilities and has a large scope for difference of opinion. Recent discussion with Former CAS, Air Chief Marshal NC Suri, triggered the quest for further research and study of the subject. Sharing few of the related aspects.

Classification.  Relevant aspects are as follows:

  • This method of categorization is unofficial because there is no authorized classification concept based on features or performance of aircraft.


  • There is no clearly defined line between successive generations. Different authorities have identified different technology jumps as the key ones, dividing fighter development into different numbers of generations.


  • Each category represents a certain class of technology used in the aircraft: avionics, systems, design, features, engines and weapons etc. Higher generation means a more technologically advanced aircraft.


  • A Generational shift in jet fighter aircraft occurs when a technological innovation cannot be incorporated into an existing aircraft through upgrades and retrospective fit-outs.


  • The criteria for the various generations are not universally accepted and are subject to differing opinions.


  • The origin of the generational categorization of jet combat aircraft is debatable.


  • The usage appears to have first appeared in Russia during the mid-1990s when officials were planning a competitor to the American Joint Strike Fighter. They categorized previous fighters into four categories and concluded that the next one would be in the fifth generation.


  • Aviation Week correspondent Bill Sweetman claims it originated from within Lockheed Martin’s business development machine shortly after the X-35 was declared the successful JSF solution in 2001.


Previous attempts at Classification

  • In 1990 air historian Richard P. Hallion proposed a classification of jet fighters into six generations up to that time. Some others classified them into five generations up to around the same period.


  • Taylor and Guilmartin named four classifications based on the maximum speed; subsonic, transonic, supersonic and Mach 2, and added a fifth “new” generation with multi-mission capability.


  • Russian and Chinese observers also categorize aircraft into generations, albeit with differing and broader definitions across fewer generations that relate more towards their own platforms and capabilities.

Accepted Classification Norms. In 2004 Aerospaceweb listed division into five generations. The basic classification into five generations has since been widely accepted. Regardless of their origins Five generations are now widely recognised, with development of a sixth under way. Some accounts have subdivided the 4th generation into 4 and 4.5, or 4+ and 4++.


Coming Up: Generation wise description











Comments and value additions are most welcome



9. On Air Power

“Air power is not only a fascinating subject but its theory and practice also constitute a very demanding profession; and even a lifetime’s study and devotion is inadequate to unravel its mystique or fully understand its imperatives”

– Air Cmde Jasjit Singh


10. On Importance of insignificant looking matters

 “For the want of a nail the shoe was lost,
For the want of a shoe the horse was lost,
For the want of a horse the rider was lost,
For the want of a rider the battle was lost,
For the want of a battle the kingdom was lost,
And all for the want of a horseshoe-nail.”

– Benjamin Franklin


 11. On art of War

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

– Sun Tzu


12. On Starting War

“The militaries don’t start wars.

Politicians start wars.”

-William C. Westmoreland


13. On Leadership

”Never tell people how to do things.

Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.”

General George S. Patton, U.S. Army


14. On Leadership

 “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.”

 – Ronald Reagan


15. On War Planning

“No plan ever survived the first contact with the enemy.”

 –Tom Franks


16. On Leadership

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

– John Quincy Adams


17. On Bravery

“The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.”

– George S. Patton


18. On Warfare

“War is too important to be left to the generals”

– Georges Clémenceau


19. On Bravery

“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight.

 It’s the size of the fight in the dog.”

– Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower


20. On Flying

“Sometimes, flying feels too God-like to be attained by man. Sometimes, the world from above seems too beautiful, too wonderful, and too distant for human eyes to see.”

– Charles A. Lindbergh


Contributions and value additions are most welcome

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