My views on the issue of Air Power in Grey Zone Operations.

(For selective viewing, please click on the links below)

  1. Upto 03:10 – Introduction.
  2. 03:10 – 07:35 – Perspective on the issue.
  3. 07:35 – 13:10 – Defining Grey Zone warfrare.
  4. 13:10 – 21:00 – Difference between GZ and NWNP.
  5. 21:00 – 27:30 – India’s GZ Threat Scenario.
  6. 27:30 – 36:00 – Air Power vis-a-vis GZ.
  7. 36:00 -38:00 – GZ activity between friendly countries.
  8. 38:00 – 43:50 – Using AP in GZ.
  9. 43:50 – 57:30 – Capability building and reorientation to deal with GZ.
  10. 57:30 onwards – Concluding Thoughts.



Does ongoing military reforms and proposed reorganisation cater for future grey zone operations?


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Also read – Article on the subject


158: AIRPOWER IN GREY ZONE: My Article in USI Journal


The Grey Zone is characterised by intense political, economic, informational, and military competition more fervent in nature than normal steady-state diplomacy, yet short of conventional war. It is hardly new, however. The cold war was a 45-year-long grey zone struggle in which the west succeeded in checking the spread of communism and ultimately witnessed the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

– Unconventional Warfare in the Grey Zone

Joint Force Quarterly (1st Quarter, Jan 2016)



Earlier days states or nations used to resort to open armed conflicts by declaring war, with the aim of achieving an objective through the use of force. Recent trends indicate that national political objectives are increasingly being achieved without official declaration   of war. There are multifarious forms of state sponsored activities that are being carried out in the metaphorical zone between war and peace. These grey zone activities have become a norm in the recent years.

The grey zone warfare is best defined as an aggressor engaging in actions that circumvent traditional norms and laws of war, in the pursuit of political strategic objectives. The grey zone conflict operations are unclear and ambiguous in character, and are orchestrated in such a way that the threshold is maintained below that of conventional     war. These conflicts are carried out in any of the multiple domains, using variety of means as a weapon.

Air power besides offensive use, can also be effectively utilised in many ways, in non-conventional hostile situations categorised above. Various aspects of grey zone operations need to be deliberated from the point of view of airpower involvement. Certain amount of reorientation would be required in application of airpower in these grey zone situations supported by capability enhancement in certain fields.


Continue reading “158: AIRPOWER IN GREY ZONE: My Article in USI Journal”

157: POT POURRI – 2

All in a Day’s Thoughts


Those Close air combat days with gun tactics.

 I miss those wild air combat sorties – throwing the aircraft around.




Puzzle solving: SUDOKU

Interesting one called KROPI

Rules: All pairs of touching squares which contain consecutive values (such as 2 & 3 or 6 & 7) are marked with a white circle. Also, all pairs of touching squares which contain values where one number is exactly twice the value of the other (such as 2 & 4, or 4 & 8) are marked with a black circle.



Read an article in The Telegraph about migrant workers.


Is the term that came to the mind.



India & Russia Plan to Extended Range of Brahmos Missile


  • India and Russia plan to collaborate on improving the strike range of the Brahmos missile. The upgraded Brahmos will have a range of 800 kilometers (497 miles) compared to the present 280 kilometers (155 miles). The improved version of the Indo-Russian supersonic missile will also have a lot of new features.


  • The Brahmos is developed and produced by BrahMos Aerospace, a joint venture between India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Russia’s Mashinostroyenia.


  • At Mach 2.8, the Brahmos is the world’s fastest cruise missile.


  • Its land and ship-based versions carry a payload of up to 200 kilograms (441 pounds), while the air version can carry a warhead of up to 300 kilograms (661 pounds).


  • India is integrating the Brahmos on Sukhoi Su- 30MKI fighters.




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