69: Deb Gohain: Aviation Artist

Gp Capt Deb Gohain (Retd)

Deb Gohain is a self taught artist who had served in the Indian Air Force (IAF) for more than 30 years. He took premature retirement from Air Force in 2004 in the rank of Group Captain. 

As a veteran he is pursuing his hobby of painting with passion.  Being a fighter pilot his interest  in Aviation Art was but natural. He beautifully creates on canvas historical events of IAF in war, particularly Indo – Pakistan conflicts of 1965 and 1971.

Deb Gohain’s paintings on Aviation Art are mostly recreation of actual operations that took place in air during wars. His paintings have a real story to tell and each one comes with an appropriate description of the event.


For example his painting titled “Attack on Government House” recreates the audacious attack by four MiG-21s on the official residence of Governor of East Pakistan in the Bangladesh Liberation war of 1971. This attack was carried out with pin point accuracy and precision while the Governor A. Malik was having a secret meeting with senior Government and Military officials. The shock of the attack was so overpowering that Governor Malik resigned on the spot. For this painting Deb Gohain had consulted the leader of the MiG formation then Wing Commander BK Bishnoi (retired as Air Vice Marshal).

 Glimpses (Thumbnails) of some of his paintings are below.

Glimpses of his sketches of aircraft are as follows:-
Gp Capt Gohain’s paintings adorn the walls of many air force units, offices and museums including the famous air force museum at Palam. 
For more details about his work and paintings please do explore his website:
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