Pic courtesy: Hindustan times


The Indo-Pakistani war of 1965 (also called the Second Kashmir War) was the second major war fought between the two countries after the partition in 1947.


The genesis of the Indo-Pak wars lies in factors like the British colonial misrule, religious differences, and cold war geopolitics. The fate of India, and that of Kashmir, had been sealed in 1919, when Britain’s India Office, prepared a plan to partition the Indian subcontinent based on religion. After independence and partition, the region became part of the larger cold war struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union.


The 1965 war was a culmination of skirmishes that took place in the preceding months. The seventeen-day war (06 Sep – 22 Sep 65) caused thousands of casualties on both sides.  India had the upper hand over Pakistan when the ceasefire was declared and the conflict was seen as a strategic and political defeat for Pakistan.


Prevailing Circumstances.



267: 6 Airpower Lessons from War in Ukraine

Pic Courtesy: The drive


To have command of the air means to be able to cut an enemy’s army and navy off from their bases of operation and nullify their chances of winning the war

– Giulio Douhet


Russia – Ukraine war has entered the fourth month, with no end in sight. This war has affected every aspect of warfare and international engagement. The war has brought into focus the issues related to the new emerging world order, multilateralism, collective security, nuclear deterrence, economic sanctions, information warfare, and food & energy security.

Continue reading “267: 6 Airpower Lessons from War in Ukraine”

266: 5 Warfare Lessons from War in Ukraine

Pic Courtesy Buisnessday.ng


War is an incredible teacher but a brutal instructor.

Jocko Willink, The Dichotomy of Leadership


Russia – Ukraine war has entered the fourth month, with no end in sight. This war has affected every aspect of warfare and international engagement. The war has brought into focus the issues related to the new emerging world order, multilateralism, collective security, nuclear deterrence, economic sanctions, information warfare, and food & energy security.


Russia has not used the full potential of its military power against Ukraine. While the world is eagerly waiting for the end of this conflict, a lot of lessons are emerging from the prevailing situation.


Continue reading “266: 5 Warfare Lessons from War in Ukraine”

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