Aviation business military or civil, demands a very high degree of safety. A Proactive approach is required to ensure safety. Some suggestions are as follows:

    • Give wide publicity to safety aspects.
    • Increase awareness regarding safe practices.
    • Organise talks, discussions and brainstorming sessions.
    • Include safety aspects in the training and continuity syllabus, curriculum and testing procedure.
    • Include safety aspects in all briefings and debriefing.
    • Undertake periodic safety pledge to follow rules in letter and spirit.
    • Conduct Regular Aerospace safety audits.
    • Utilise modern training aids and simulators.
    • Employ effective Anti-Bird measures.
    • Employ effective FOD measures.
    • Instill sense of ownership among all operators.
    • Conduct regular hangar safety audits.
    • Take extra care of legacy aircraft and equipment.
    • Insist on safety during maintenance activities and ground handling.
    • Conduct all agencies emergency drills regularly.
    • Ensure all documents are up to date.
    • Identify weak crew and take corrective action.
    • Identify weak areas and take corrective action.
    • Ensuring Safe flying and operating Environment.
    • Deal with safety violations in a strict manner.
    • Adopt proactive approach towards planning, monitoring and supervision of activities and events.

Value additions are most welcome

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24: Book Review : China-The rising aerospace power: Implications for India

While the USA would like to have a unipolar world, and bi-polar Asia, China wants to have a Bi-polar world and Uni-polar Asia. India would soon be the third most powerful world power and would prefer a multipolar world.

Overall it is a very comprehensive research work covering all aspects related to a very relevant subject.

Review by: Air Marshal Anil Khosla (Retd)

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