448Mission DIVYASTRA: MIRV Technology on Agni 5


Pic Courtesy: Internet

India  on 11 Mar 24 successfully test-fired Agni-V missile with Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology.


It is a big boost to India’s Deterrence capability.


Defence correspondents and analysts are seeking analytical inputs and writing about various aspects of this development.


To read the quoted article,  click on the link below:-





Link to another article on the subject by Ritu Sharma:-

Top US Scientist ‘Slams’ India’s Agni-V Missile Test; Says New Delhi Could ‘Disarm’ Pakistan With MIRV Tech


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To all the online sites and channels.



Information and data included in the blog are for educational & non-commercial purposes only and have been carefully adapted, excerpted, or edited from sources deemed reliable and accurate. All copyrighted material belongs to respective owners and is provided only for purposes of wider dissemination.




Pic Courtesy: internet




Deterring an adversary from taking a particular course of action is not just a matter of stationing forces on the front line or maintaining nuclear weapons. Rather, deterrence is a form of high-stakes political communication. Deterrence is therefore psychological as much as anything else. It requires clearly signaling political will and intent to act decisively if an adversary crosses a red line.


Warfare is no longer restricted to Military operations. It involves all the tools of statecraft, i.e. diplomacy, information, military, and economics. Therefore it entails a whole of government approach to deal with it. An effective deterrence strategy utilizes all aspects of national power, not just the military.




Integrated deterrence would include the ability to exercise (as well as withstand) diplomatic reprimands, trade policies, and economic sanctions besides military options.


This phrase is the foundation of the recently published National Defence Strategy of the USA, which combines diplomacy, alliances, and new technology with conventional hard power to the deterrence capability.

Continue reading “309: INTEGRATED DETERRENCE”

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