101: Flying Tales

This article was written by Air Marshal V.K. Bhatia PVSM AVSM VrC & Bar (Retd) in Sep 2020, about first ever successful Sea Eagle Anti Ship Missile firing from maritime Jaguar aircraft (in May 2000).

It is about the sortie we flew together in jaguar trainer aircraft chasing the sea eagle anti ship missile cruising at sea skimming heights. A sortie we both would never forget in our lives.

IAF Jaguar’s Momentous Live Firing of Sea Eagle Missile

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99: Life Saving Aviation Quotes

There are old pilots and bold pilots, but no old, bold pilots.


Use your superior judgment to avoid those situations where you might have to use your superior skills.


No matter what happens, fly the airplane – Aviate, Navigate, Communicate.


Emergency landings are done to save lives, not airplanes.


The three most useless things in aviation are runway behind you, altitude above you, and fuel not in your tanks.


When in doubt, hold your altitude.


Fuel is liquid altitude. The only time you have too much is when you’re on fire.


Never let an airplane take you somewhere your mind didn’t get to five minutes earlier.


It’s better to be on the ground wishing you were the air, than in the air wishing you were on the ground.


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