Pic Courtesy: Hindustan times on net


The geopolitical landscape of Asia is undergoing a significant and irreversible shift. Two major players are India and China. Scholars, analysts, and policymakers are divided among their views regarding India and China relations. The three-point of view are:-


Cooperation. Some feel that a cooperative partnership will develop, much to the benefit of Asia and to the world as a whole. A few scholars have even gone so far as to suggest that China and India could eventually form an anti-U.S. / Western bloc and thus greatly shift the global balance of power.


Competition. However, more seem to adopt a realist approach and feel that competition of some form or the other is inevitable given the sheer size and demand for limited resources of these two nations, both of which have billion plus population. Within this group, some believe that the competition will be more of a friendly nature while others think it will be intense.


Confrontation. In addition to these two schools of thought, there are a growing number of individuals who believe that China is actively pursuing an aggressive and encirclement policy on India. This group views the simultaneous rise of China and India as a major challenge to regional and global stability that will require more sophisticated diplomacy.


Please give your opinion about the above possibilities. Which one is the most likely scenario and why (in Brief).


  1. Cooperation


  1. Healthy Competition.


  1. Intense Competition.


  1. Confrontation.


Your opinions and views would be of immense value.



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