141: Integrated Theatre Commands

The debate about formation of Integrated Theatre Commands has become a hot topic.


Questions that need answers and clarity are:


  • Is the concept relevant to our environment and situation?


  • Are we blindly copying others?


  • Are we learning wrong lessons?


  • Is our priority right?


  • is the time right?


  • Do we have adequate resources?


  • Do the accrued benefits outweigh the time, money and effort spent?


  • Are we implementing changes for the sake of it?


  • Has adequate debate taken place on the issue?


Veterans and defence analysts have written about these aspects in different journals and magazines. The links to some of these writings are below (with credits to the authors and the parent magazines and journals):


  1. https://55nda.com/blogs/anil-khosla/2020/09/16/rocking-the-boat-during-the-storm/


2. https://55nda.com/blogs/anil-khosla/2021/03/28/defense-forces-joint-structures-priority-list/


3. https://idsa.in/jds/14-2-2020-achieving-jointness-in-war-asingh


4. https://capsindia.org/files/documents/CAPS_Infocus_VP_04.pdf


5. https://capsindia.org/files/documents/CAPS_Infocus_AB_00.pdf




7. https://capsindia.org/files/documents/CAPS_Infocus_SK_00.pdf


8. https://salute.co.in/air-defence-command-need-for-a-rethink/


9. https://newsable.asianetnews.com/india/air-defence-command-need-to-hasten-slowly-serving-chiefs-best-to-take-calls-qb1ekn


11. https://idsa.in/issuebrief/air-defence-command-kkhera-270120


12. https://forceindia.net/feature-report/impractical-idea/


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140: Emerging  Technologies and Their Impact on Doctrines and Concepts


This article was published in the Army War College Journal in year 2005.


It is an abridged version of my thesis at Army War College. The thesis got me the commandant’s medal.


Some of the aspects are still relevant


Emerging  Technologies and Their Impact on Doctrines and Concepts


Click on the Title above to read the article in pdf format.


Comments and value additions are most welcome


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137: Combat Principles


  1. In combat if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong and that too at the most critical time.



  1. In combat all important things are very simple, and all the simple things are very hard.



  1. In combat the professionals are predictable, it is the amateurs that are dangerous.



  1. In combat if your plan is stupid but works then it is not stupid.



  1. In combat communications fail, that to when you need them the most.



  1. Anything you do in combat can get you killed, including doing nothing.



  1. All combat is based on deception, the problem is to fool the enemy without fooling yourself.



  1. Team work is important in combat – it gives the enemy someone else to shoot at.



  1. Anything more accurate than enemy fire in combat is friendly fire.



10. Golden rule of survival in combat is: Fire N Forget and Shoot n Scoot.


Bottom line

All the plans go out of the window – moment the first shot is fired.


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