355: Indian Puzzle Championship 2023


Indian Puzzle Championship is Conducted by Logic Masters India


This year it was conducted on 27 May 2023.


Took part in it for the 4th year consecutively.


Stood First in the A-50 category.


Secured an all India Ranking of 16th.


It had four gruelling rounds with 88 puzzles.


2023 Indian Puzzle Championship

Instructions Booklet

27th May 2023, Mumbai

Round Composition at a glance:


Round 1:

Puzzles Points

Memory Lane 12 puzzles

45 minutes Points: TBD

Snake (Classics) X
Cave [Product] (Classics) X
Skyscrapers (Evergreens) X
Rule Pool (Rule Pool) X
Mochinyoro (Shading) X
LUZ Loop (MII) X
Sukoro (Number Placement) X
Pentopia (Object Placement) X
Curve Data (Casual) X
Word Labyrinth (Word) X
Sashigane (Regions) X
Reflect Link (Loops) X
Total X


Round 2:

Puzzles Points

As Good As New

13 puzzles

50 minutes Points: TBD

Star Battle (Classics) X
Masyu [Deformable] (Classics) X
Yin Yang (Evergreens) X
Rule Pool A & B (Rule Pool) X+X
Canal View (Shading) X
Akichiwake (MII) X
Kakuro (Number Placement) X
Shakashaka (Object Placement) X
Letter Weights (Casual) X
Snaky Search (Word) X
Symmarea (Regions) X
Castle Wall (Loops) X
Total X


Round 3:

Puzzles Points

6 of 1…

42 puzzles

60 minutes Points: TBD

Double Choco X+X+X+X+X+X
Shikaku X
Remembered Length X+X+X+X+X+X
Rail Pool X
Kurodoko X+X+X+X+X+X
Cave X
Number Rope X+X+X+X+X+X
RingRing X
Voxas X+X+X+X+X+X
Guide Arrow X
Midloop X+X+X+X+X+X
Balance Loop X
Total X


Round 4:

Puzzles Points

Relax 11 puzzles

45 minutes Points: TBD

Password Battleships X
Password Battleships X
Finishing Touch X
Canadian Trek X
Canadian Trek X
Pieces of Eight X
Pieces of Eight X
Pieces of Eight X
Hidden Words X
Snakes and Ladders X
Hive Mind X
Total X


Suggestions and value additions are most welcome

For regular updates, please register here




References and credits

To all the online sites and channels.



Information and data included in the blog are for educational & non-commercial purposes only and have been carefully adapted, excerpted, or edited from sources deemed reliable and accurate. All copyrighted material belongs to respective owners and is provided only for purposes of wider dissemination.


354: Indian Sudoku Championship 2023



Indian Sudoku Championship is conducted by Logic Masters India

This year it was held on 28 May 23.


Took part in it  for the 12th year consecutively.


Stood third in the A-50 category.


Secured an all India rank of 22 in the open category.


It was a four round gruelling competition, with about 30 odd variants of Sudoku being played.


Instructions booklet for

Sudoku Mahabharat 2023 Finals


Indian Sudoku Championship 2023


28th May 2023


Finals: Round 1 – The Classics 40 minutes: 400 points
Starts at 9:00 AM

Total Solving Time:

270 minutes Total Points: 2600 + Bonus + Base points

Round 2 – The Seen 70 minutes: 700 points
Round 3 – And the Unseen 90 minutes: 900 points
Round 4 – Two Way Relay 70 minutes: 600 points

 Round 1 

It had 10 Classic Sudokus.


Sudoku Points
Classic Sudoku 1 20 points
Classic Sudoku 2 20 points
Classic Sudoku 3 30 points
Classic Sudoku 4 25 points
Classic Sudoku 5 30 points
Classic Sudoku 6 30 points
Classic Sudoku 7 40 points
Classic Sudoku 8 55 points
Classic Sudoku 9 50 points
Classic Sudoku 10 100 points

(1-10). Classic Sudoku (20+20+30+25+30+30+40+55+50+100 points)

Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column and 3×3 box.

 Round 2

It had ten sudoku variants representing some of the online rounds of Sudoku Mahabharat 2023.


Variant Points
Outside Sudoku 45 points
Pointing Evens Sudoku 50 points
Killer Sudoku 55 points
Thermo Sudoku 55 points
Position Sums Sudoku 100 points
No Three in a Row Sudoku 80 points
Skyscrapers Sudoku 75 points
Hex Sudoku 75 points
XV Sudoku 120 points
Pencil marks Sudoku 40 points


1. Outside Sudoku (45 points)

 Apply classic Sudoku rules. Additionally, the digits outside the grid must appear in one of the cells in the first box (till the next bold line) seen from that edge of the grid

2. Pointing Evens Sudoku (50 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Digits outside the grid indicate the number of evendigits in the direction of the arrow.

3. Killer Sudoku (55 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Additionally, the sum of digits in cells inside everycage must equal the total given for the cage at the upper left cell. Digits do not repeat inside a cage.


4. Thermo Sudoku (55 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Digits along each thermometer are strictly increasing from its bulb to each of its ends.


5. Position Sums (100 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Digits in the first and second cell from the top and from the left are A and B for that column/row. There are two sets of clues outside the grid: The ones closest to the grid give the sum of A and B. The ones further out give the sum of the digits in the Ath and Bth positions in that direction.

6. No Three in a Row Sudoku (80 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Digits in any three consecutive cells in any row or column must not be of the same parity.

7. Skyscrapers Sudoku (75 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Each digit inside the grid represents the height of a skyscraper in that cell. Each number outside the grid represents the number of skyscrapers that can be seen in that row or column. Taller skyscrapers hide shorter ones.

8. Hex Sudoku (75 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Digits do not repeat along any of the three directions in which the hexagonalcells share edges of a line.

9. XV Sudoku (125 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Adjacent cells with digits summing to 5 are marked by V. Adjacent cellswith digits summing to 10 are markedby X. All possible V and X are marked.

 10. Pencilmarks Sudoku (40 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Additionally, in some cells you find all allowed candidates for the specific cell.

 Round 3

It had ten sudoku variants which are seen less frequently in competitions.


Variant Points
Confetti Sums Sudoku 55 points
First Seen Odd/Even Sudoku 55 points
Position Sudoku 50 points
Slanted Killer Cages Sudoku 115 points
Nine Pins Sudoku 95 points
Mathrax Sudoku 70 points
Max Ascending Sudoku 100 points
Quad Sums Sudoku 80 points
Rossini Sudoku 110 points
Arrow or Thermo Sudoku 170 points

1. Confetti Sums Sudoku (55 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. All pairs of digits having sums of A, B and C are marked with circles of white, grey, and black colors respectively. A, B and C have different values and need to be determined as part of solving.

2. First Seen Odd/Even Sudoku (55 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Clues adjacent to a row or column give the first odd (if the clue is odd) or first even(if the clue is even) digit in that row or column from the direction of the clue.

3.Position Sudoku (50 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Numbers outside the grid indicate the position of the largest digit in the first three cells.

4. Slanted Killer Cages Sudoku (115 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Digits in cages must sum to the given total and must not repeat. Digits in cells containing diagonal lines contribute half their value to the total of the cage and may belong to more than one cage.

5. Nine Pins Sudoku (95 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Each digit from 1 to 9 must form a diagonal triplet (three of same digit along a diagonal line) at least once.

6. Mathrax Sudoku (70 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Some intersections of the grid lines are marked by a number and an operator (+, -, X, /) in a circle. The number is the result of the operation, applied to both pairs of diagonally opposite cells. An “E” in the circle indicates that all four adjacent digits are even; an “O” indicates that all four adjacent digits are odd.

7. Max Ascending Sudoku (100 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Each clue adjacent to a row or column gives the exact length of the longest contiguous run of increasing digits within that row or that column, counting from the direction of the clue.

8. Quad Sums Sudoku (80 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. A dot at a corner implies that one digit is the sum of the remaining three digits at that corner. Not all dots are given.

9. Rossini Sudoku (110 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Each arrow outside the grid indicates that the digits within the first box (till the next bold line) in the corresponding direction are in ascending order in the direction of the arrow. All such arrows are marked.

10.  Arrow or Thermo Sudoku (170 points)

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Each line is either a Thermo from the given bulb, or an Arrow with the given head. Exactly half of the lines are Thermos and half are Arrows.

Arrow Sudoku: Digits in the circled cells must be the sum of the digits along the arrow pointing out of it. Digits can repeat on the arrow.

Thermo Sudoku: Digits along each thermometer are strictly increasing from its bulb to each of its ends.


Round 4

General rules:

·        This round consists of 9 puzzles, 3 Classic Sudokus and 6 Sudoku Variants. The first and last puzzle are solvable by themselves.

·        In other puzzles, there are some arrows.

·        The digit from the same cell from the previous sudoku should be transferred to the downward- pointing arrow.

·        The digit from the same cell from the next sudoku should be transferred to the upward-pointing arrow.

·        Some sudokus may have multiple solutions but the complete round can be solved in only one way.

·        Partial points will be givenonly for every correct grid which is part of the complete solution.

·        Points will be awarded based on the number of sudokus solved correctly as part of the overall solution.




Variant Points
1 Sudoku 30 points
2 Sudokus 90 points
3 Sudokus 150 points
4 Sudokus 220 points
5 Sudokus 290 points
6 Sudokus 360 points
7 Sudokus 440 points
8 Sudokus 520 points
9 Sudokus 600 points


1,4,7. Classic Sudoku

Refer to rules and example in round 1.

2. Irregular Sudoku

Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column and each outlined region.


3. Product Frame Sudoku

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Numbers outside the grid equal the product of the first three numbers in the corresponding row or column in the given direction.

5. Palindrome

Apply classic Sudoku rules. The digits in the cells with the line form palindromes, i.e. they read the same from both the directions.


6. Sandwich

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Numbers outside the grid indicate the sum of digits between 1 and 9 in the corresponding row or column.

8. Slot Machine

Apply classic Sudoku rules. The three shaded columns are like a slot machine. The 9 numbers they contain will be in the same sequence. (The strips wrap around the grid for the ordering)

9.  Clone Sudoku

Apply classic Sudoku rules. Digits in each corresponding cell in the shaded figures are identical.

Suggestions and value additions are most welcome


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References and credits

To all the online sites and channels.



Information and data included in the blog are for educational & non-commercial purposes only and have been carefully adapted, excerpted, or edited from sources deemed reliable and accurate. All copyrighted material belongs to respective owners and is provided only for purposes of wider dissemination.


295: Celebrating Two years of Blogging with 300 posts



Topics Covered


Leadership, Motivation and Management
Decision making
Mental toughness
Earning respect
Good  leadership qualities and values
Science of Karma
Good working culture
Listening Skills
Be good feel good
Healthy working environment
importance of Tolerance
Lessons from Buddha
Difference between strength and courage
Lessons from rich and famous
Leadership lessons from Hollywood movies.
Shark in the tank theory of management
Car wheel theory of management
Aya Ram Gaya Ram syndrome – yes men.
Calculated Risks
Practical Leadership and management
Communication skills and body language
Lessons from Nanak
Being Responsible and Tolerant
Transferable Skills
Words of Wisdom


China’s Brain differently wired
China’s strategic thought
China’s military modernisation
China’s Defence industry
China – Pakistan Collusion
China – Art of deception
China: Kill Pigs List
China: Social score System
China: Active Defence Policy
China’s Joint Strategic support force (JSSF)
China – Joint Strategic Support Force.
Dealing with the Dragon
China’s grey zone operations
China: Flavours of military Reform
China: Pillars of Military Reform
China new diplomacy – drawing red lines in sand.
China – demographic analysis.
China through US Prism
China in South China Sea
China’s Military – Civil Fusion
PLAAF Analysis Strengths and weaknesses
Book review on China Airpower
Dealing with Dragon
Knowing China Better: lie flat and let it rot
Knowing China Better social life and customs


Pakistan – National security Policy, Turmoil
India’s foreign policy
India’s neighbourhood
Indo – Russian relations
State of Airpower assets in Afghanistan
Indo – US relations
Afghanistan: Taliban runover
US-China shadow boxing over Taiwan
China spoiling Bhutan’s GNH.
South China sea
Gini Index and implications.
Multilateralism: Flexible Security Cooperation.
China Pak Collusivity
Collective Security
Sri Lanka Economic crisis: lessons and opportunity
Ukraine Conflict
Djibouti: Tug of war between USA and China

Air Power 

Airpower in Grey zone operations
Airpower in no war no peace situation
Air Power & Non-Kinetic warfare
Air Power in Multi-Domain warfare
Airpower in HADR ops and aid to civil authorities
Drone Threat the big picture
Fighter aircraft classifications by generations
Emerging Technologies and Air Defence
Air Power in Modern Day Warfare
S-400 SAM AD System
Combat Aviation
Changing nature of warfare
Air Defence operations
Air power concepts: Command / control the air, air supremacy, Air superiority & Favourable air situation.


Hypersonics and hypersonic weapons
Technology and airpower
Future Trajectory of AI
Artificial intelligence
Unmanned Platforms and Swarms, Loyal wingman concept
AI and Fake News
AI: Digital twins and Surrogate models

Cyber Safety and Security 

Cyber warfare
Digital addiction
Economic Cyber Frauds


Space operations
Space warfare and organisation in India
Space-based ISR

Indian Air Force 

Capability development
Tejas and AMCA project
IAF role in HADR and aid to civil and other agencies
Network-centric operations
PLAAF and IAF comparative analysis
IAF Modernisation
Balakot Operations
Rafale induction and capability enhancement
S-400 Induction
Fire Power Demo: Ex Vayu Shakti

War and Warfare 

Types of war
Decoys and deception
Afghanistan Air Assets
Future Wars
Grey Zone Warfare
Classification of warfare into generations (Russian Thoughts)
Domains of warfare
Military Balance in the region
Ukraine War: Air Power aspects, a case of dog and the bone, Air superiority aspects, decoding Ukraine war
Operational Logistics
Lesser known facts about 1971the  War
Review of book on 1962 war
Review of book on 1965 war
India’s two-front challenge
Douhet theories
Duration of Conflict
Jasjit Singh on Airpower
Galwan stand off
Asymmetric Threat
Nuclear aspects revisited
Accelerating the paradigm Shift
National Security / Military Strategy
Urgent need for National Security Policy
Multilateralism: Relevance and changes
National Security Strategy


Military diplomacy
Military spending: trends and analysis.
Collusive threat and Deterrence: Air and Space Aspects
Integrated Capability Development.
Joint war game training systems
Fighter Pilot: Traits
Agni veer and Agnipath / Tour of duty / making best of the scheme
Andaman and Nicobar Command and Islands
Joint Operations and Joint man ship

Higher Defence Organisation 

Department of military affairs
Air defence command
Civil-military fusion

Flight Safety 

Golden rules of safety
Importance of SOPs
A proactive approach to safety
Damage due to Bird Hits and Foreign Objects
Good safety Culture

Defence Industry 

Indigenous defence industry
Role of the private sector in defence production
Arms Transfer to Afghanistan
Defence Budget issues
IAF and indigenisation
Indian Initiatives to promote self-reliance


My tryst with HT-2 aircraft: The day god flew with me
The day I flew my dad’s car
Male Lake: Tale of two coursemates
Flying Tales


Suggestions and value additions are most welcome


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References and credits

To all the online sites and channels.



Information and data included in the blog are for educational & non-commercial purposes only and have been carefully adapted, excerpted, or edited from sources deemed reliable and accurate. All copyrighted material belongs to respective owners and is provided only for purposes of wider dissemination.




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