103:Pakistan Through US Prism (Part1)

USA has been partnering with Pakistan for the war against terrorism. Few reports are available in the open domain about how USA perceives Pakistan and its Military.

Some of these perceptions of USA about Pakistan and comments are as follows:



Pakistanis remain in a grim mood about the state of their country. Overwhelming majorities are dissatisfied with national conditions, unhappy with the nation’s economy, and concerned about political corruption and crime. 

Most Pakistanis see a struggle taking place between Islamic fundamentalists and groups that want to modernize the country; and the vast majority of those who do see a struggle identify with the modernizers.


About Pakistan Army.

Continue reading “103:Pakistan Through US Prism (Part1)”

92: Vishwa Conclave: Part 2

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune

Organised a Conclave on 17 Apr 2021

Enjoyed interacting with the young Minds


Accelerating the Paradigm Shift

Issues Covered

Aatmanirbhar Sashastrata

 Importance of Military Diplomacy

Countering the 360deg Chinese threat

Excerpts from the interaction:-


On Chinese Fault Lines


On Chinese Behaviour


On Rafale and Space Warfare




On  Pakistan, Balakot and Abhinandan

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86: Q & A Series (Part 2): International Exercises

In various interactions questions are asked during the Q & A session. Starting a new series on compiling these valid and interesting questions with comments.




Question. What are various facets related to joint exercises with friendly foreign  countries? What advantages accrue out of these exercises?


Comments. IAF conducts regular exercises with friendly foreign  countries. These exercises involve lot of detailed planning and preparation. The preparations start almost six months prior or earlier.

These exercises are bilateral or multilateral, single service or multi service. The trend is changing from bilateral single service exercises earlier to multilateral multi service exercises now.

IAF has carried out exercises with Air Forces of many countries including USA, Russia, UK, France, Australia, South Africa, UAE, Singapore, Oman and Thailand etc.

The level of exercise (i.e. number of aerial assets,  duration of exercise  and type of  air combat missions) depends from country to country. These vary from short duration exercises with few assets on themes like HADR to full fledged combat exercises with large number and variety of platforms carrying out complex LFE (large scale engagement) missions.

The frequency of carrying out exercises also varies from country to country. With some countries it is regular once every two or three years. With others it is less often, once in 3 to 5 years. Generally during transit for bigger exercises, some smaller exercises are carried out during the stop overs en route (Out bound or inbound leg).  These are called hop exercises.

There are many advantages of these exercises. These exercises are part of defence diplomacy and political signaling in the larger scheme of international relations and engagements. At operating level, the participants learn about the best practices from each other and It broadens their horizon and prepares them for their future assignments. Further it improves interoperability between the participating forces. The advantages accrued out of these exercises far outweigh the effort and money spent on them.


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