My views on the issue of Air Power in Grey Zone Operations.

(For selective viewing, please click on the links below)

  1. Upto 03:10 – Introduction.
  2. 03:10 – 07:35 – Perspective on the issue.
  3. 07:35 – 13:10 – Defining Grey Zone warfrare.
  4. 13:10 – 21:00 – Difference between GZ and NWNP.
  5. 21:00 – 27:30 – India’s GZ Threat Scenario.
  6. 27:30 – 36:00 – Air Power vis-a-vis GZ.
  7. 36:00 -38:00 – GZ activity between friendly countries.
  8. 38:00 – 43:50 – Using AP in GZ.
  9. 43:50 – 57:30 – Capability building and reorientation to deal with GZ.
  10. 57:30 onwards – Concluding Thoughts.



Does ongoing military reforms and proposed reorganisation cater for future grey zone operations?


Comments and value additions are most welcome


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Also read – Article on the subject


156: IAF AEROSPACE CAPABILITY BUILDING: Article Published in USI Strategic Year Book 2021




A nation’s military aspirations have to be in consort with its socio economic condition and likely threats. Due to unique geographical location and geo-political environment India faces a collusive threat with significant chances of military conflict. Therefore her national interest dictate that the country be able to deter both her inimical neighbors from any military misadventure either singly or collusively.

Air power possesses significant offensive potential besides being the most responsive arm of military action.  Indian Air Force must remain an adaptive and agile force to fight and win wars in a network centric battlefield with conflicts varying across the complete threat spectrum. Air Force is a technology intensive service and requires continuous infusion of modern cutting edge equipment and technology.

A straightjacket approach to military accretions with a purely force on force numeric calculus would not provide comprehensive answers to any military force buildup plan. It is imperative that focus areas be identified and assets, platforms, facilitators and infrastructure developed accordingly.

Continue reading “156: IAF AEROSPACE CAPABILITY BUILDING: Article Published in USI Strategic Year Book 2021”

149: Mental Potpourri: All in a day’s Thoughts

The fastest traveler is the human mind. In a fraction of a second it can reach moon, mars or much beyond and come back. In a day we  think about numerous thoughts. Some are interesting and worth sharing with others.

Starting this new series  and naming it “Mental Potpourri”. I hope the readers will enjoy reading these thoughts. These thoughts may trigger  a chain reaction triggering new thoughts.


All in a Day’s Thoughts


Leadership: Phrases that keep your team together and involved  

  • “Sorry, that was my fault.”
  • “Please help me with this.”
  • “What is your advice on this?”
  • “I trust your judgment.”
  • “We couldn’t have done it without you.”
  • “I’m all ears.”
  • “What can I do to help?”
  • “What can we do differently?”



China and Russia both competing and cooperating in Africa.


  • Few years back had picked up a new term from a talk by a management guru. The term is “Coompertion” – i.e. cooperating while competing.


  • Wonder how long China-Russia coomperation will last?


  • Depends on future power equation, clash of interests and who becomes the dominant partner.


  • Also wonder if the African countries will have any say in it.



Indian Paradoxes: How True



On Retirement

Retire to Something


Retire from something



Don’t be pushed by your problems

Be propelled by your dreams.



Corona Virus

Questions with no clear cut answers-

When will third wave come?

Will it be milder or deadlier?

Is vaccine effective against new mutant versions?

Is booster dose required?

Should children be vaccinated?

And many more…………


Best is to take precautions

Stay indoors, social distancing, masks and frequent sanitisation.



U.S. is worried that, Afghanistan will dissolve into civil war after the U.S. leaves and fully withdraws its troops.




Beijing has filed a diplomatic complaint with Tokyo after its deputy defense minister said Japan and the U.S. needed to “wake up” to the security threat posed by China and “protect Taiwan as a democratic country.”


At least they have stopped warning and threatening.




Ongoing difference of opinion between the services about the issue is a problem of viewing it form

Worm’s eye view and Bird’s eye view




अधूरी तो नहीं – पूरी भी नहीं

उलझी तो नहीं – सुलझी भी नहीं

मझधार तो नहीं – पार भी नहीं


Value additions are most welcome.


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