319: Youth Parliament: Chatra Sansad


Youth Parliament (छात्र संसद) is a great initiative for the school and college students to interrogate the present, to learn from the past and to prepare the future of India…



With an objective of strengthening democracy and to enable the student community to understand the working of our parliament the Youth Parliament of India is being organised.



To create a forum where various stakeholders of the society can interact and debate upon various political and social issues and strives to create a path to the solution for the same.



To expose the youth to politics, dialogue and democracy and provide them a platform to understand and serve the society.


The inaugural function was organised and conducted very well.


Different panels took up the following agendas for discussions to arrive at viable solutions.


  • National Commission for Women: Discussing the Status of Women in the Workplace.


  • Rajya Sabha:  Discussions on the  Extent and  Applications of the  Weapons of  Mass Destructions and their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of  Unlawful  Activities Bill) 2022.


  • Lok Sabha: Discussion on  Declaring the  Indian  Ocean a  Zone of  Peace and Reviewing the Armed Forces Special Powers  Act.


  • All India Political Parties Meet: Discussion & Review of Freedom of Speech & Expression with reference to Freedom of Press.


  • Central Bureau of Investigation:  Review of the Increase in  Economic  Crime and  the  Increase of Corruption and  Fraud committed by public servants of all  Central  Government  Departments and Central Finance Institutions.


Excerpt of Motivational Talk at the inauguration ceremony.


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References and credits

To all the online sites and channels.


Information and data included in the blog are for educational & non-commercial purposes only and have been carefully adapted, excerpted, or edited from sources deemed reliable and accurate. All copyrighted material belongs to respective owners and is provided only for purposes of wider dissemination.

317: Subroto Mukerjee Seminar



19th Subroto Mukerjee Seminar was organised by Centre of Air Power Studies, on 22 Dec 22 (22 12 2022).



India’s  Eminence in the Emerging World Order.



Session II

The World in a Flux: India’s Challenges


For the Talk: Please Click on the link (Pic) below:


For Selective viewing Click on the following links:

  1. Talk (03:50 – 27:00)
  2. Q1- Future Trajectory of the Ukraine War (58:40 – 1:00:10)
  3. Q2 – Future of Drone Warfare (1:00:10 – 1:02:00)
  4. Q3 – Info War & Intelligence: Effect on LR vectors & Air Defence (1:10:25- 1:13:00)
  5. Q4 – Indian Defence Industry’s foray into the International Market ( 1:17:12 – 1:19:06)


Three Anils in one frame

Air Mshl Anil Chopra, AVM Anil Golani & Air Mshl Anil Khosla


Bottom Line

 There is an urgent need to reorientate  and gear up (not only by military) to deal with future challenges.



Are we drawing the correct lessons and working towards  facing the future security challenges?


Your suggestions and value additions are most welcome


For regular updates, please register here




References and credits

To all the online sites and channels.



Information and data included in the blog are for educational & non-commercial purposes only and have been carefully adapted, excerpted, or edited from sources deemed reliable and accurate. All copyrighted material belongs to respective owners and is provided only for purposes of wider dissemination.



Pic Courtesy: Deccan Herald

Social media has gone abuzz on the evening of 12 Dec 22 (yesterday), with the news about the engagement between the Indian army and PLA at the Yangtze, in the Tawang sector.


The magnitude of the engagement and the escalation potential is still being assessed.


Semantics. The terms being used are Skirmish, Scuffle, faceoff, intrusion, etc.


Pattern. There seems to be a pattern (of these comparatively bigger incidents).


Continue reading “312: DRAGON VS ELEPHANT: ROUND X”

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