282: Initiatives to Promote Self-reliance (Atmanirbharta)

The Ministry of Defence has been allocated a total budget of Rs 5.25 lakh crore for the Financial Year 2022-23. The total allocation under Capital Outlay of the Defence Services is 1.52 lakh crore. The focus is on modernisation of Defence Services and Defence Security Infrastructure development.


68 per cent of the capital procurement budget will be earmarked for domestic industry. This is to reduce imports and promote Atmanirbharta in equipment for the Armed Forces. While Defence R&D will be opened up for industry, start-ups and academia, Private industry will also be encouraged to take up design and development of military platforms and equipment.


Self-reliance is Crucial

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275: Lessons: Air War in Ukraine


Being prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace.

– George Washington


Russia – Ukraine war has entered the fourth month, with no end in sight. This war has affected every aspect of warfare and international engagement. The war has brought into focus the issues related to the new emerging world order, multilateralism, collective security, nuclear deterrence, economic sanctions, information warfare, and food & energy security.


Russia has not used the full potential of its military power against Ukraine. Question intriguing the military analysts is why the airpower has not been utilised fully and freely. While Russia is being criticised by the West for its lack of capabilities, another school of thought is that Russia is following a delicate approach towards the use of force and ensuing destruction. While the world is eagerly waiting for the end of this conflict, a lot of lessons are emerging from the prevailing situation.


General Aspects of war


Objectives. Officially, Russia stated her objectives of the “special military operation” as “demilitarisation, denazification and assurance about the neutral status of Ukraine (i.e. not joining NATO)”. The operations were justified by Russia, citing help call from the Donbas region for its liberation from Ukraine. In retrospect, it appears the undeclared objective was also to consolidate the Russian hold on Crimea.

Continue reading “275: Lessons: Air War in Ukraine”

267: 6 Airpower Lessons from War in Ukraine

Pic Courtesy: The drive


To have command of the air means to be able to cut an enemy’s army and navy off from their bases of operation and nullify their chances of winning the war

– Giulio Douhet


Russia – Ukraine war has entered the fourth month, with no end in sight. This war has affected every aspect of warfare and international engagement. The war has brought into focus the issues related to the new emerging world order, multilateralism, collective security, nuclear deterrence, economic sanctions, information warfare, and food & energy security.

Continue reading “267: 6 Airpower Lessons from War in Ukraine”

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