Article Published on Indus International Research Foundation Website.


Renewed Impetus to Indo-Russia Relations – by Air Marshal Anil Khosla






Geography and Geopolitics brought India and the USSR (Russia) together and it developed into a time-tested close partnership. Throughout history, India and Russia have shared cultural affinities, strategic interests, and mutual respect, which have contributed to the enduring nature of their relationship. Despite changing geopolitical dynamics, the ties between India and Russia continue to be characterised by cooperation, friendship, and shared aspirations for peace and development.


Historical Perspective


Historical interactions between India and Russia spanning several centuries can be traced back to ancient times through trade routes, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic contacts. The ancient Silk Road connected India with Central Asia, facilitating trade and cultural exchange between the Indian subcontinent and regions that later became part of the Russian Empire. In recent times, Indo-Russian relations have evolved through various phases since the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries in 1947.


Engagement Phase (Pre-Independence). During the 19th century, the Russian Empire expanded its influence in Central Asia and established diplomatic relations with various Indian princely states. Russian explorers, scholars, and diplomats travelled to India, fostering cultural exchange and scholarly engagement. The Russian Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent establishment of the Soviet Union in 1922 marked a significant turning point in Russian history. India’s struggle for independence from British colonial rule coincided with the rise of the Soviet Union.






“Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.”


– John C. Maxwell


Titles and positions of authority do not make one a leader but provide an opportunity to be a leader by making a profound difference in the lives of others by listening and understanding, elevating and inspiring.


Leadership, is a responsibility, a calling, a privilege.


Leadership demands a perspective shift in focus from the self to the collective, from gaining power to empowering others.


Value of Listening. Leadership is not about having all the answers, but about asking the right questions and truly hearing the responses. True leaders understand the value of listening. By deeply listening, leaders gain invaluable insights while showing respect and acknowledgement. This fosters trust, an essential ingredient for cohesion and collaboration.


Understanding. Understanding is the foundation of leadership. It’s not enough to simply hear; a true leader must empathize, relate, and interpret the underlying emotions and motivations. This depth of understanding ensures that leaders are attuned to the needs, aspirations, and challenges of those they lead, and are prepared to provide guidance, support, and mentorship.


“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

-John Quincy Adams


Inspiration. The fundamental principle of leadership is inspiration. It’s about lighting that spark within individuals, making them realise their potential and helping them see possibilities they never imagined. It is about a commitment to unlocking the latent potential of every individual.


Cohesion. Cohesive and effective team building is another pivotal aspect of leadership. Leaders create an environment conducive to growth and achievement by recognising the unique strengths of each individual and placing them in roles where they can thrive. But beyond that, it’s about fostering a sense of belonging, a culture of collaboration, and an environment where everyone feels valued.


Genuine leadership is not about ruling; it’s about serving.


Leadership is about influencing, impacting and inspiring.


Leadership is not about being at the top of the pyramid but being the foundation upon which others can stand tall.


Leadership is measured by the mark one leaves on people’s hearts, not by hierarchy.


Leadership is about listening deeply, understanding profoundly, and inspiring endlessly.


Leaders who lead with empathy, compassion, and genuine care, don’t just create followers, but cultivate future leaders.


Leadership is a privilege, and a sacred trust given to one. It should be embraced as an honour.


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Information and data included in the blog are for educational & non-commercial purposes only and have been carefully adapted, excerpted, or edited from sources deemed reliable and accurate. All copyrighted material belongs to respective owners and is provided only for purposes of wider dissemination.


Embrace Your Journey


Embrace life’s journey, every experience, good or bad, has been a stepping stone to the person you’ve become today.


Embrace every phase, every stumble; they’re crafting your story. Each trial, each moment of doubt, is a lesson to be grasped.


Life’s journey is filled with both shadows and light. Every step on the winding path and every stone crossed holds the promise of growth and the beauty of a new dawn.


Treat your quirks like badges of honour, through these encounters, we truly get to know ourselves and understand our place in the world.


Negative Feelings. There will be negative feelings. They are like passing clouds and part of the journey called life. Do not let them define you or cloud your mind. Accept and understand them, and move forward without getting anchored down.


Fear of Unknown. There are times when the fear of the unknown terrifies you. Keep the faith and trust the process. Life has a funny way of surprising us, even the darkest of nights, have a promise of dawn.


Face the Challenge. Every challenge is an avenue of growth. It might initially seem difficult or insurmountable, but pushing through them brings strength and wisdom. Magic often happens right outside the comfort zone. Brace yourself and push through that initial discomfort.


Self-discovery. Self-discovery often arises from moments of uncertainty.


Individuality. Celebrate your individuality and unique essence. Let go of the self-judgment, and do not seek validation from others. Your worth is rooted deep within your authentic self.


Life’s Journey itself is the destination. Life isn’t just about reaching peaks, it is about traversing valleys, pushing through discomfort, and finding strength in vulnerability.


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Information and data included in the blog are for educational & non-commercial purposes only and have been carefully adapted, excerpted, or edited from sources deemed reliable and accurate. All copyrighted material belongs to respective owners and is provided only for purposes of wider dissemination.