229: Def Talks: Collective Security and India



It was great interacting with Aadi Achint on Def Talks on a very current and valid topic.


For selective viewing please click on the links below:

  1. Introduction (Up to 2:00).
  2. Multilateralism (2:00 – 06:50).
  3. Collective Security (6:50 – 09:10).
  4. Military Cooperation / Assistance (09:10 – 12:27).
  5. Military Alliance (12:27 – 15:45).
  6. Defence Diplomacy (15:45 – 18:30).
  7. Trends (18:30 – 23:50).
  8. Flexible Collective Security (23:50 – 26:15).
  9. Indian Context (26:15 – 33:15).
  10. Recommendations (33:15 – 43:55).
  11. Concluding Chat (43:55 onwards).


Bottom Line

 Multilateralism and  Flexible Collective Security is very much relevant (Not only during war but also during Peace) in today’s environment of Grey Zone Activities.




Should India Join a military alliance if the need arises?


Suggestions and value additions are most welcome



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