• Shiqurdu is a collection of thoughts. Although an odd sounding name, but felt appropriate for the collection.


  • These are simplified quotes in Hurdu (Hurdu being a mix of Hindi and Urdu akin to Hinglish i.e., hindi and english). Although in some cases the language has been simplified but attempt has been made to retain the thought and the poetic flavor.


  • These thoughts have been picked up from various publications. Credit goes to all the original writers who penned down these deep meaning messages.



आहिस्ता चल ए ज़िन्दगी,


कुछ क़र्ज़ चुकाने बाकी हैं,

कुछ दर्द मिटाने बाकी हैं,

कुछ फ़र्ज़ निभाने बाकी है




जो ‘प्राप्त’ है

वो ‘पर्याप्त है



रुकी हुई ज़िन्दगी का..

एक और चलता हुआ दिन मुबारक..!!




बटोरना में


बाटने में ?



उनके पास हमारे लिए

आज वक़्त नहीं है

पहले वक़्त ही वक़्त था

वक़्त-वक़्त की बात है


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96: Air Power Quotes


Air power is indivisible. If you split it up into compartments, you merely pull it to pieces and destroy its greatest asset—its flexibility .

– Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery



Air power is like poker. A second-best hand is like none at all—it will cost you dough and win you nothing .

– Gen George Kenney



Because of its independence of surface limitations and its superior speed the airplane is  the offensive weapon par excellence .

 – Giulio Douhet



The air ocean and its endless outer space extension are one and indivisible, and should be controlled by a single homogeneous force .

– Alexander P . de Seversky



If we lose the war in the air we lose the war and lose it quickly .

 – Field Marshal Montgomery



After all, the great defence against aerial menace is to attack the enemy’s aircraft as near as possible to their point of departure .

– Winston Churchill



Airpower has become predominant, both as a deterrent to war, and—in the eventuality of war—as the devastating force to destroy an enemy’s potential and fatally undermine his will to wage war .

– Gen Omar Bradley



As the aeroplane is the most mobile weapon we possess, it is destined to become the dominant offensive arm of the future .

– J . F . C . Fuller



The other services have air arms—magnificent air arms—but their air arms must fit within their services, each with a fundamentally different focus So those air arms, when in competition with the primary focus of their services, will often end up on the short end, where the priorities for resources may lead to shortfalls or decisions that are suboptimum . It is therefore important to understand that the core competencies of air and space power are optional for the other services . They can elect to play or not play in that arena . But if the nation is to remain capable and competent in air and space, someone must pay attention across the whole spectrum; that is why there is a Air Force .

– Gen Ronald R . Fogleman, USAF, retired, 1997



The very flexibility of air forces makes true cooperation essential . Air forces, at short notice, can be switched from one sort of target to another and, within limits, from one type of operation to a quite different type . There is, therefore, a constant temptation to use them piecemeal to meet an immediate requirement, rather than to use them on a long-term joint plan .

– J . C . Slessor

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95: Tidbits from Social Media: CHILDHOOD IN THE AIR FORCE



In our earliest memories, to Air Force we’re drawn,

As military hospital is where most of us were born.

Different corners of the country, through postings we’ve seen

In camps clean and green we have always been.


Studied in a KV or an Air force School,

Went by Green buses ‘coz Yellow wasn’t the rule.

Evenings were spent cycling, swimming or playing,

Moms would be walking, and dads away flying.


‘Bada-khaana’ and Tambola, children would be taken,

But Rum-punch and dinner Nights, we were forbidden.

From one room to two, finally status house was fun,

But tenure came to an end, and we were back to square one!


Boxes and trunks got numbered and painted,

Soon all belongings into a truck got mounted.

Making new friends and change of school so common,

As adieus and farewells were bid so often.


‘Eating-out’ meant at the Mess or Institute,

For food-courts and restaurants, our substitute.

Parties were often held in the Ante-room,

Though, smaller groups preferred the Ladies Room.


He’pter or ‘Queen Mary’ brought Santa, not sleigh!

Christmas party and gifts surely made our day.

Festival time, in groups we’d roam,

Wishing friends, from home to home.


Dads had uniforms for every season,

and also dress-code for each occasion.

All this and more, are amazingly clear,

Memories that bring out of nostalgia, a tear.


This was our childhood in the Indian Air force,

Lucky to have it, we realise in due course…….


Poem by AF kid

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