75: Q & A SERIES (Part1)

In various interactions questions are asked during the Q & A session. Starting a new series on compiling these valid and interesting questions with comments.



Question 1. What is the status on MMRCA 2.0?


Comments. MMRCA 2.0 – It refers to proposal for acquisition of 114 fighter ac by IAF. Open sources indicate that it is still at RFI state. Next step would be issue of RFP after government approval. My personal take is that instead of going through the entire procurement procedure again, we should go in for two more squadrons of  Rafale aircraft immediately. The induction would be faster and it is already in the inventory. We need to have a balance between the quantity  and the quality. It will meet the requirements till indeginous 5th gen AMCA comes up. Also phased induction is always better.


Question 2. Why do we still have to buy almost all of the weapons from foreign countries?


Comments. We are trying Leap frog method. Wherein, we procure weapons and equipment to meet immediate needs and maintain minimum level of deterrence capability while trying to make our own indigenous ones to match with the existing technology worldwide. Unfortunately the indigenous development is adversely affected by cost and time over runs besides the issue of matching quality. Hope the recent initiatives by the government to boost Atma Nirbharta succeeds and provides necessary impetus to the whole process. It is already showing some results. Latest SIPRI report indicates drop in defence import.


Question 3. What should be the priority for capability building between Army, Navy, Air Force, or enhancing cyber / space capabilities?


Comments. Each domain of warfare and each service is important. It is not a simple linear process of capability building. A balanced approach is required. War is going to be multi domain therefore, the capability building has to be uniform and the threats need to be tackled with whole of government approach. This is easier said then done. However, with CDS coming in the issue of inter-service priority would get addressed. Whereas, priority for capability development of defence forces vis-a-vis Cyber and Space domain would have to be decide following whole of government approach.


Question 4. Does India need Strategic bomber like the ones possessed by USA, China and Russia.


Comments. Strategic bomber is a good asset for power projection especially for countries with expeditionary ambitions. It is a costly asset and for India it would be low on the priority list. There is a need to boost many other capabilities on priority. Even in IAF higher priority list includes fighter ac, combat support ac (AWACS and Refuellers), drones and UAVs, smart weapons, protective infrastructure etc.


Question 5. Is the era of manned fighter jet over?


“No Machine can replicate the human gift of discovery and situational awareness”

– Air Mshl V Patney

Comments. This debate has been going on for long and recently picked up due to proliferation of drones and unmanned platforms. Both manned and unmanned platforms have advantages and disadvantages. At the moment thought process is to harness the advantages of both with the concept of manned platform leading a swarm of unmanned platforms in formation. 6th generation aerial platforms are heading this way. Various projects are under consideration and development for this loyal wingman concept. I call it Mother Goose Concept.

Questions / Queries and valuable additions are most welcome.

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