1. Aircraft fly as per laws of physics.

2. Aircraft are not aware of seniority, skill level or qualifications of the aircrew.

3. Superior skill and judgment should be used to avoid potentially unsafe situations rather than to get out of them.

4. Always respect elements of weather and terrain.

5. Strictly follow SOP, orders and instructions.
“Do what is documented and document what you do”.

6. Comprehensive briefing and debriefing is intrinsic part of any flying activity.

7. Aviation is no place for shortcuts, complacency or unnecessary risk taking.

8. If in doubt – “abort” is better option than “press on”.
Fly another day / time.

9. 3Rs Rule – Right person, Right equipment and Right procedure for all aviation related activity.

10. Extra caution / care is required for legacy aircraft and equipment.

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Air Force Day

Good wishes on Indian Air Force day


कई इम्तिहान अभी बाकी है
कई उड़ाने अभी बाकी है
अभी तो नापा है मुठी भर आसमान हमने
अभी तो पूरा अंतरिक्ष बाकि है


परिंदों को नहीं दी जाती तालीम उड़ानों की;

वो खुद ही तय करते हैं मंजिल आसमानों की;

रखते हैं जो हौसला आसमानों को छूने का;

उनको नहीं होती परवाह गिर जाने की।


मंजिल उन्ही को मिलती है,

जिनके सपनो में जान होती है!!

पंख से कुछ नहीं होता, हौसलों से उड़ान होती है!!


नभ: स्पृशं दीप्तम् – Touch the sky with glory


Happy Landings

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Annual Report to US Congress. Office of the US secretary of defense recently published the unclassified part of the annual report on military and security developments involving the people’s republic of china. The US Department of Defense (DoD) has been providing this report for the last 20 years.

Scope of these Reports. These reports assess the contours of China’s national strategy, its approach to security and military affairs, and potential changes in the PRC’s armed forces. They essentially include the following:

    • The current and probable future course of military-technological development of the PLA.
    • The tenets and probable development of Chinese security and military strategy.
    • Military organizations and operational concepts supporting such development.

2020 Report. This report is special because, 2020 is an important year for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) before the milestone of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) centenary in 2021. It is also the timeline for the Chinese broader interim goal to transform China into a “moderately prosperous society”. The report covers developments until the end of 2019. Developments in 2020, including the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, would be covered in the next report.

Report Analysis. The report is of 200 pages with a 15 page executive summary. While the report provides an insight into developments in China and the PLA, it analysis is from Sino-US point of view.

Analysis from Indo-China Perspective. It would be worthwhile to analyze the contents of the report from Indo-China point of view.

Coming up – Series of articles


China Through USA’s Prism: Indo-China Perspective

Please click here for part 1.