CHINA THROUGH USA PRISM (Indo – China Perspective) Part – 2

Introductory Post

Part 1: China’s National Strategy

Initial part of the recently published Annual Report to US Congress on military and security developments involving the people’s republic of china deals with understanding Chinese National Strategy. Foreign and economic policies are important part of it.

Aspects related to China’s Foreign Policy

Excerpt from US Report. The PRC’s foreign policy seeks to revise aspects of the international order on the Party’s terms and in accordance with ideas and principles it views as essential to forging an external environment conducive to China’s national rejuvenation.

Comments. China’s foreign policy is very aggressive and belligerent in nature. Her actions and behavior in the last few months is an indicator of things to come in future. Some aspects related to her foreign policy are as follows:

    • China deals with foreign policy in same way she deals with domestic dynamics, politics and situations.
    • In China’s view other countries are either subordinates or inimical. There is no third category.
    • She prefers bilateral dealings rather than multilateral ones.
    • China has only interests and no friends.

Excerpt from US Report. In 2019, the PRC recognized that its armed forces should take a more active role in advancing its foreign policy, highlighting the increasingly global character that Beijing ascribes to its military power.

Comments. In China the PLA belongs to the Party and she uses the armed forces to rule the country. She has started using the armed forces as a tool for foreign policy as well. She is using them extensively for coercive diplomacy by offensive posturing and muscle flexing. In tune with her global aspirations, she is investing more on her Air Force, Navy and long range vectors.

Aspects related to China’s Economic Policy

Excerpt from US Report. The CCP prioritizes economic development as the “central task” and the force that drives China’s modernization across all areas, including its armed forces.

Comments. China’s economic rise in last decade or so is commendable. Other relevant aspects are as follows:

    • China’s main strength is her ability to produce goods cheaper than elsewhere. China is also called the Factory of the world. She entered the top ten exporters list by end of last decade and within a span of ten years reached the top spot.
    • The rest of the world is responsible for this, as all the major production houses from world over have industrial production units in China.
    • In the last six months China has made too many enemies and the world has realized its mistake. The decoupling process has already commenced and would happen in spite of being a difficult process. This would hurt the Chinese economy to a large extent.

Excerpt from US Report. China’s economic development supports its military modernization not only by providing the means for larger defense budgets, but through deliberate Party-led initiatives such as OBOR and Made in China 2025, as well as the systemic benefits of China’s growing national industrial and technological base.

Comments. This observation by US has many aspects as follows:

    •  It is true that the military modernization of China commenced after improvement in her economic status.
    • China has been spending a lot on the modernization of her military. Exact amount cannot be assessed for sure as her stated figures are not trustworthy.
    • OBOR or BRI is a beneficial project for China in many ways. She can use her surplus infrastructure building capacity to good use. She can control the participating countries by trapping them in heavy debts. While reviving the trade routes China would get much needed alternative supply routes.
    • The project is already facing roadblocks in many places. The project is likely to get adversely affected further due to the change in world opinion about China’s role in the pandemic situation and her opportunistic behavior thereafter.
    • China has a good technology and industrial base developed by unscrupulous methods of industrial espionage and reverse engineering. Various countries having realized this and have already initiated corrective actions.

Please feel free to express your views and provide value addition.

Part 3 of the series would cover the aspects related to Military-Civil Fusion (MCF) Development Strategy.

The Article has also been published at India Narrative 

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CHINA THROUGH USA PRISM (Indo – China Perspective) Part – 1

This is in continuation to the earlier post on the subject (please click here to view).

First part of the recently published Annual Report to US Congress on military and security developments involving the people’s republic of china deals with understanding Chinese Strategy.

China’s National Strategy

Excerpt from US Report. The People’s Republic of China’s (PRC’s) strategy aims to achieve “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation” by 2049.
Comments. China seems to be doing well and achieving the landmarks before the stipulated timelines.

Excerpt from US Report. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) frames this strategy as an effort to realize long-held nationalist aspirations to “return” China to a position of strength, prosperity, and leadership on the world stage.
Comments. China aspires to be “the only sun in the sky”. They view the world to be in the shape of a cone with China in the center and on top of it.

Excerpt from US Report. China’s strategy can be characterized as a determined pursuit of political and social modernity.
Comments. China is pursuing her goal with determination and vigor. Achieving political and social modernity seems to be from her point of view and is not the same as perceived by the rest of the world.

Excerpt from US Report. It includes far-ranging efforts to expand China’s national power, perfect its governance systems, and revise the international order.
Comments. Expanding her national power and perfecting her governance system is acceptable to the rest of the world. Revision of international order as viewed by China amounts to ruling the world, which is objectionable to the others.

Excerpt from US Report. The CCP’s leadership has long viewed China as embroiled in a major international strategic competition with other states, including, and in particular, the United States.
Comments. Chinese mind set is archaic and that of competition, with aspiration to be ahead of everyone. The world has moved on to the concept of Co-omperation i.e. be cooperative while being competitive.

Excerpt from US Report. In 2019, China intensified its efforts to advance its overall development including steadying its economic growth, strengthening its armed forces, and taking a more active role in global affairs.
Comments. There could be few possible reasons for this. First is that CPC’s centenary year 2021 is approaching. Second is attempt by Xi Jinping to further consolidate his position and third is impatience to achieve the Chinese dream. Timing of the Covid pandemic and way of handling it by China, leaves quite a few questions unanswered. It could be a part of the overall strategy.

Please feel free to express your views and provide value addition.

Part 2 of the series would cover aspects related to foreign and economic policies.

Please click here for Part 2

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Leadership Lessons From A Fighter Pilot

Friday, 16-10-2020, 05:00 pm IST (Duration 1 hour)

SPEAKER: Air Marshal Anil Khosla (Retd), PVSM, AVSM, VM

Former Vice Chief of Indian Air Force


The event went off very well.

Covered talk under three parts as follows:

Fighter Pilot Traits

“Fighter pilot is an attitude. It is cockiness. It is aggressiveness. It is self-confidence. It is a streak of rebelliousness, and it is competitiveness. But there’s something else – there’s a spark. There’s a desire to be good. To do well; in the eyes of your peers, and in your own mind.”

Robin Olds, Fighter Pilot

    • It is not all glamour.
    • It involves lot of hard work – to become one and to continue performing as one.
    • It involves lot of Studies.
    • It is not as risky as it seems – safer than Indian roads.
    • It requires high level of physical and mental fitness.
    • Self discipline is an essential trait.
    • Qualities required are:-
      • Physical and moral courage.- 
      • Integrity & Loyalty
      • Reliability & Dependability
      • Passion
      • Dedication


Leadership Aspects


Everyone who has someone looking up to him or her is a leader. Some practical leadership aspects highlighted were as follows:

    • Lead by example, Follow adage : “Do as I Do rather than Do as I say”.
    • Leader has to be honest, fair and transparent in his/her dealings.
    • Change in style of leadership required in this information age. From TELL type to SELL type.
    • As a leader delegation of tasks to subordinates is important. Task is delegated not the responsibility. Post delegation give space to work, rather than constantly overlooking their shoulders. Upward delegation should be avoided.
    • Inculcate feeling of ownership amongst colleagues and subordinates for better involvement.
    • Open communication lines are essential. They should not be linear and long.


Good Working Environment and Culture


Following aspects were stressed:

    • Team work and team building is important.
    • Encourage initiative and involvement and habit of going beyond routine.
    • Adopt proactive approach for planning and execution.
    • Efficient feed back and monitoring system is a must.
    • Encourage research, brainstorming, out of box thinking and innovative approach.
    • Encourage healthy discussions. Difference of opinion should not be construed as dissent.
    • Training, grooming and mentoring are  important for the organization.
    • Promote safety culture.


Interactive Session


Interactive session was quite long  (extending almost to one hour). Questions and discussions were about following:

    • How to balance between delegation and ownership.
    • China situation and solutions.
    • Balakot strike experience.
    • Decision making process.
    • Quality of manpower and shortages.
    • Compulsory military service.
    • Procurement procedure and corruption.
    • Sharing of experiences related to 
      • Scary experiences.
      • Difficult decisions.
      • Most exhilarating events.
    • Women in Defense services (Air Force)

Video Recording  Due to technical glitch entire session could not be recorded. Some portion of the Q& A session has been recorded. Please check out at:

Q&A Video

Shark in the tank theory of management was covered.

(will write about it in future under management series). 

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