Body Language for the Virtual World

Early this year a  transition started from face-to-face gatherings to virtual meetings.

In-person meetings bring a level of connection and trust that is difficult to get in virtual meetings.

Nonverbal cues are important for the right impact in the virtual meetings.

1.First impression

Judgment is made about attitude, confidence, professional status, and personal warmth.

Face to face meeting.  Impression is made by your physical energy, the way you carry yourself, gestures, eye contact and the pitch of your voice. First impression is made in about 7 sec.

Virtual meeting. It is gathered mainly from the facial expressions. It is much faster in hundreds of milliseconds. Have a pleasing, interested expression and enter the meet with correct expression.

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Some more Interesting Maxims for Leaders & Managers


Showing is more effective then telling.


Visitors always give pleasure.

If not when they come, then when they leave.


When you Hear & you forget,

When you See & you remember,

When you Do & you Understand.


Value Time.

It is a diminishing resource.


You are not fully dressed until you wear a smile.


To sell well you must tell well.


Let your brain wear out and not rust out.


Praise loudly,

Blame softly.


Learn to listen.

Opportunity knocks very softly.


You cannot give away kindness.

It always comes back.


More coming up

your comments and value addition is most welcome

Some Interesting Maxims for Leaders & Managers


When people get too old to set a bad example they start giving good advice.


Beware of people who tell you what they did instead of what they are doing.


People may doubt what you say, but they will always believe what you do.


To get things done choose a busy person. The other kind has no time.


There are two types of people who don’t say much – those who are quiet and those who talk too much.


Delegate – Don’t  keep a dog and bark yourself.


If you worry about the bees you will never get to the honey.


Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your way.


Discussion is an exchange of knowledge.

Argument is an exchange of ignorance.


Hearing is with the ears, but listening is with the mind.


More coming up

your comments and value addition is most welcome