First in the Order of Merit

First in the Order of Merit

Flying Instructors Course (1986)



Sword of Honor (Jam Sahib): FCL/FSL Course at TACDE (1990)

Junior Commanders Course (1994)

Scudder Medal Staff Course at DSSC (1995)


Commandants Medal Army war Course at MHOW (2005)



23 Replies to “First in the Order of Merit”

  1. So many FIRSTS . Air Marshal’s Perspective is also a FIRST. Looks many more FIRSTS are yet to come.
    Consider myself lucky to have an association with you.

  2. A wonderful career. Honoured to have been with you in some of these corses where you stood out with your hard work, intellect and skill. Take a bow friend…

  3. Excellent officer, thorough professional, Anil you have achieved what many only aspire to! What is more creditable is that while you kept soaring high, your feet have been firmly grounded! Well done, Sir!

  4. Wonderful Record

    Wonder how come you missed at NDC

    I am sure very soon you will be able to add Sudoku ‘First Prize’ too

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