
Your feed back and suggestions are most welcome

5 Replies to “Feedback”

  1. Anil Ji,

    This is a great idea to provide real information. I congratulate you for initiating this digital method.

    In the meanwhile, I would like to take this opportunity to paste here some thoughts I had about the Ladakh situation which I had emailed to my friends here in San Diego, USA:

    Comments about Ladakh Situation and the US Support for India

    Regarding what can happen due to the Ladakh border tension between India and China, here are some thoughts:

    It can be stated that the Chinese are waiting to see who wins the US election. Once the election is over, it will become clear which game the Chinese and their Pakistani allies want to play.

    I believe that for Indians, the best option would be to have a verified agreement with the Chinese to go back to the status quo which existed in April, 2020 – this was the situation before the Chi-Kongs made the move to occupy Finger 4.

    Then, provided that Trump wins the election and the agreement with the Chi-Kongs gets well publicized involving EEC, UNO and, especially, the USA, India should move into the POK and take back all the POK area including the Gilgit and Baltistan areas as well. If this can be accomplished, India will have land access to Afghanistan and would not need the Iranian Chabahar port under construction. This will also make the Chinese Silk and Belt initiative in Pakistan meaningless leading to an earlier collapse of the Paki economy without the $50 Billion Chinese investment.

    As long as Trump – after winning the election backs India for the takeover of POK – it is doable. The Indian Army Chief has already publicly stated that all the planning to librate POK has been completed and that they are just waiting for the Indian Government to give the final green signal, and this operation to vacate Pakistani troops from the POK, said the Chief, can be accomplished in less than a day (without the Chinese 2nd front).

    I believe the American are agreeable for India to takeover POK as this allows the US to reach Afghanistan without going through Pakistan.

    And as the Chinese would have made the agreement with India to go back to the status quo which existed around April 2020, and this agreement was well publicized Internationally and accepted, it will make the Chi-Kongs not to open up the 2nd front while Indian Army was moving into POK, especially, when India would have a solid backing by then from the Quad nations of US, Japan, Australia.

    Also, it is in the national interest of India to establish diplomatic relations with Taiwan and ignore any Chinese warnings. After all, the Chi-Kong’s have diplomatic relationship with the Indian arch-enemy Pakistan whose army has been regularly killing few Indian solders and civilians almost on weekly basis since the 1980s by shelling in Kashmir and by infiltrating Allah’s solders into Indian cities.

    Furthermore, the Indian Government should supply Brahmos missiles, not only to Taiwan, but also to Vietnam and Philippines who also have disputes with China over its South China Sea expansion.

    After all the Chinese supply fighter aircrafts and other nuclear weapon technology to the Land of the Pure: Pakistan, so why can’t India payback the Chi-Kongs in respect – India should have the courage to play the same ping-pong game the Chinese have been playing with Bharat Ki Mata since 1962.

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