A book review:
Serendipity of SoldieringSoldiers, traverse far and wide, not only physically but oscillate a great deal emotionally and spiritually, by virtue of their service to the nation. A lone sentry on freezing night, at mountain top, taking gusty windchill on the face, away from family for months, does go into sporadic virtual flight of fantasy or get into internal dual questioning life, death, love, relationship, patriotism. There are many adventurous situations a soldier faces day in day out, going through great emotional stresses. It is here that unknowingly he evolves into higher human self. A soldier, in twilight of his life wants to share the extraordinary life, that he was chosen to lead, simply to relive those exciting moments, for the joy of good old days.
Colonel Badal Verma, has shared his experiences, and modestly calls them ordinary. And, what life changing experiences, narration and his own evolvement as man. He, has very thoughtfully chosen the title, Serendipity of Soldiering, which kindles much curiosity in the minds of readers.
Colonel, tells his stories in simple and lucid language making the book unputdownable. Most thrilling ones are his near death experiences, a strange connect with snakes, pristine Gurkha heart, his trust with his command and spirit of Infantryman.
The author, has also admirably woven his personal relationships into the ups and downs, curves and bends of path that he leaves behind in time, and now gazes it from a ripen wisdom.
A highly recommended book across all ages, genders and professions. My personal advice, don’t judge the book from its cover. The taste of pudding is in eating it, and for book – reading it.