Every item that had to go into that bag was carefully deliberated upon. Of course everything revolved around protective clothing, food, drink and medicines.
On hindsight, it appears absolutely natural that with a physician and a nutritionist in the group, one could never be overstocked with food and medicines. Let’s not forget that two of us were moms. There were energy giving peppermints that also kept your mouth from drying. We actually carried ORS. With likely rains and cool temperature, there was little chance of dehydration on a 3-4 hour climb. We knew it, but why take a chance ?

That’s gross digression!

After another hour or so , we reached a place from where there was sheer drop followed by a steep climb ; a V shaped course with steps constructed on the rocky mountain. It also turned out to be full of selfie spots and people moved along rather slowly.

By about 11 , ie in two and a half hours we reached the shrine. We produced our entry tickets and after making the necessary entries, got a locker to keep our bags.
There was a guide, who took us around. As most of the monasteries are, the place is full of idols of Bodhisattva dressed in colorful clothes and the walls are covered with paintings of images depicting various aspects of Vajrayana Buddhism. The main cave is entered through a narrow passage. The dark cave houses a dozen images of Bodhisattva and butter lamps flicker in front of these idols. An elegant image of Chenrezig(Avalokitesvara) is also deified here.
We commenced our trek back around 12. The return journey starts with a sheer drop and a stiff climb and later it is all downhill.
Here we could get the network to talk to Viji. Our support team from IMTRAT were worried and was all set to send a rescue party. They were pleasantly surprised to learn that we were ahead of schedule and were already on our way back.
The way back was relaxed. Vandana was in full spirits singing away to glory. It brought a lot of smiles on the climbers on their way to the monastery and one of them even stopped to record a video. A couple stopped for a selfie with us .
Sure, she motivated a lot of young people to reach the top.

At the half way mark, cafeteria, we stopped for a cup of coffee. It was a longish break . While climbing down one just needs to be careful not to slip or sprain a knee or ankle. At the base our vehicle was waiting and the driver was there to welcome us with drinking water and fruit juice.
So, as I had mentioned earlier in Part 1, the whole universe conspired to make this trip of ours fruitful. A trek that almost became as a non starter turned out to be an easy , pleasant and a memorable event.
Bhutan is a unique country that gives importance to Health and Happiness over Money and Development, at least, that is the official stance.
Any write up about Bhutan would be incomplete without a discussion on Happiness. That’s the topic for the next post